The Mystery of the Spiteful Letters : Enid Blyton's Mystery Series : Book 4 - Enid Blyton

The Mystery of the Spiteful Letters

Enid Blyton's Mystery Series : Book 4

By: Enid Blyton

Hardcover | 1 May 2009

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It's Easter and, once more, the Five Find-Outers - Fatty, Larry, Daisy, Pip and Bets - are in a very peculiar situation.

They are trying to solve the mystery of the spiteful letters that arrive, unsigned, for various residents of Peterswood.

Mr Goon, the policeman, is also trying to unravel the mystery and comes up against Fatty who, in various disguises, manages to totally confuse him!

About the Author

Enid Blyton is one of the best-loved children's authors with over 700 titles published. Aged 27, Enid married Hugh Pollock and moved to London. They had two children, and soon afterwards Enid wrote her first novel, The Adventures of the Wishing-Chair. Enid divorced Hugh after almost 20 years of marriage, and married Kenneth Waters in 1943.

Throughout the 40s and 50s, Enid wrote books at a colossal pace: adventure stories, mysteries, magical stories, farming stories, stories for younger children, and best-selling series like Malory Towers and Amelia Jane . Enid fell ill with Alzheimer's disease and she died in 1963. Her stories remain timeless classics, adored throughout the world.

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