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The One Who Got Away - Caroline Overington

The One Who Got Away

By: Caroline Overington

Paperback | 1 May 2016

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We all keep secrets. Some are deadly.

Loren Wynne-Estes appears to have it all: she's the girl from the wrong side of the tracks who's landed a handsome husband, a stunning home, a fleet of shiny cars and two beautiful daughters ...

Then one day a fellow parent taps Loren on the shoulder outside the grand school gate, hands her a note ... and suddenly everything's at stake.

Loren's Facebook-perfect marriage is spectacularly exposed - revealing an underbelly of lies and betrayal. What is uncovered will scandalise a small town, destroy lives and leave a family divided. But who is to be believed and who is to blame? Will the right person be brought to justice or is there one who got away?

An unsettling psychological thriller for fans of Girl on a Train and Gone Girl.

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