The Power of Attention : Awaken to Love and Its Unlimited Potential with Meditation - Sarah McLean

The Power of Attention

Awaken to Love and Its Unlimited Potential with Meditation

By: Sarah McLean

Paperback | 14 February 2017

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What has your attention right now? Did you know that your freely given attention is the most powerful expression of love? When you're in command of your attention, you are attuned to the field of love underlying the energy of the universe. Unfortunately, we live in a culture of competing interests and distractions. Unless we regain control of how and to whom we direct this powerful currency, our connection with the people and causes we care most deeply about will continue to suffer. In this book, acclaimed meditation teacher Sarah McLean will show you how to direct your attention towards those aspects of yourself and your life that you most want to flourish, expand and thrive. Each chapter offers modern practical ways of applying the timeless practices of meditation and mindfulness so that you become more intimately connected to yourself, honour your feelings and desires, and express your unique talents and gifts in the world. As you become practiced in the art of training your attention, and connecting with the source of it, you reclaim the power to purposefully live your life, frame by frame, as each new moment unfolds. You will no longer experience life as something that is happening to you; instead, you will know that life is happening for you.

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