The Practical Book of Colour Therapy : Step-by-step Techniques to Harness the Healing Powers of Light and Colour - Susan Lilly

The Practical Book of Colour Therapy

Step-by-step Techniques to Harness the Healing Powers of Light and Colour

By: Susan Lilly, Simon Lilly

Paperback with Flaps on Inside & Back Covers | 1 March 2010

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Colour is the energy of light and the universal language of every living entity. Experiments have shown that not only plants, animals and humans are affected by colour, but that even bacteria and chemicals exhibit changes of behaviour when exposed to different colours. Colour is also a subconscious language. Knowing the theory of what a colour signifies is only a small part of the language. Every colour automatically creates unconscious physical, emotional, mental and chemical responses in us, which are impossible to define and quantify.

This ground-breaking book examines the influence of colour on our lives, and shows that through learning to understand the way we respond to the stimulus of colour, we can use its energy to promote balance and well-being. The authors also examine how colour is used effectively in the natural environment, in the world of commerce and advertising, and in our own homes, and compare the cultural meanings associated with different colours.

The central theme of the book is how to use colour as a healing tool, using single colour guidance, single colour assessment and specific colour placement. There is also practical help on using colour essences and crystals, and how to release the healing power of colours in visualisation and in meditation.

Illustrated with 250 vibrant pictures that show how colour can alter our moods and attitudes, this book is a stimulating and informative exploration into the power of colour, with practical suggestions on harnessing it for health, well-being and personal fulfilment.

About the Authors

Susan Lilly tutors in crystal healing, flower essences, colour healing and astrology. With a broad base of training in alternative health, she writes and lectures on a wide range of topics. As an active member in the Affiliation for Crystal Healing Organizations and associations within the flower essence community, she is dedicated to promoting practitioner skills and training.

Simon Lilly has been working with crystals in healing and self-development since 1985. He has trained in crystal therapy with the Institute of Crystal and Gem Therapists with whom he is now a senior tutor. He combines his training as a colour therapist and kinesiologist with crystal healing and also works with flower and tree essences.

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