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The Shroud : The 2000-Year-Old Mystery Solved - Ian Wilson

The Shroud

The 2000-Year-Old Mystery Solved

By: Ian Wilson

Paperback | 1 March 2010

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The world's most astonishing mystery finally solved.

Two decades after radiocarbon dating declared the Turin Shroud a mediaeval fake, brand-new historical discoveries strongly suggest that this famous cloth, with its extraordinary photographic imprint, is genuinely Christ's shroud after all.

In 1978 in his international bestseller The Turin Shroud Ian Wilson ignited worldwide public debate with his compelling case endorsing the shroud's authenticity. Now, 30 years later, he has completely rewritten and updated his earlier book to provide fresh evidence to support his original argument.

Shroud boldly challenges the current post-radiocarbon dating view - that it is a fake. By arguing his case brilliantly and provocatively, Ian Wilson once more throws the matter into the public arena for further debate and controversy.

About the Author

Ian Wilson is a prolific, internationally published author specialising in historical and religious mysteries. Born in south London, he graduated from Magdalen College, Oxford University, in 1963 with honours in Modern History. The TV documentary that he co-scripted to accompany his 1978 Shroud book won a BAFTA award, and his later book Jesus: The Evidence was a best-seller on both sides of the Atlantic. Accompanied by his wife Judith, Wilson emigrated from England to Queensland, Australia, in 1995, where he enthusiastically continues wide-ranging research projects both at home and around the world.

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