The Siren : The Original Sinners Series : Book 1 - Tiffany Reisz

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The Siren

The Original Sinners Series : Book 1

By: Tiffany Reisz

Paperback | 1 August 2012

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Notorious Nora Sutherlin is famous for her delicious works of erotica, each one more popular with readers than the last. But her latest manuscript is different-more serious, more personal-and she's sure it'll be her breakout book...if it ever sees the light of day.

Zachary Easton holds Nora's fate in his well-manicured hands. The demanding British editor agrees to handle the book on one condition: he wants complete control. Nora must rewrite the entire novel to his exacting standards-in six weeks-or it's no deal. Nora's grueling writing sessions with Zach are draining...and shockingly arousing.

And a dangerous former lover has her wondering which is more torturous-staying away from him...or returning to his bed?

Nora thought she knew everything about being pushed to your limits. But in a world where passion is pain, nothing is ever that simple.

About the Author

Slightly shameless and mostly fameless, Tiffany Reisz dropped out of a conservative southern seminary in order to pursue a career as an erotica writer. This move, while possibly putting her eternal salvation in peril, has worked out better than she anticipated. She has five piercings, one tattoo, and has only been arrested twice.

When not under arrest, Tiffany writes erotica and erotic romance and is diligent in doing all her own research. Her novel The Siren will be published by Harlequin SPICE in 2011 and the sequel The Angel in 2012.

Other Books By Tiffany Reisz

The Mistress : Original Sinners - Tiffany Reisz