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The Sweet Poison Quit Plan :  How to Kick the Sugar Habit and Lose Weight - David Gillespie

The Sweet Poison Quit Plan

How to Kick the Sugar Habit and Lose Weight

By: David Gillespie

Paperback | 28 June 2010 | Edition Number 1

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The Sweet Poison Quit Plan is the long-awaited 'how to' supplement to the best-selling Sweet Poison.

It features: an overview of why sugar is bad and why we get addicted; a five-step plan to kicking the habit; tailored advice for men and women; a guide to sugar-free shopping (how to read the labels and what is safe/unsafe in each supermarket aisle); recipes for sugar-free treats (think ice-cream and cakes); advice on living sugar-free with kids.

Packed with reader anecdotes and lists to help you organise your sugar-free life, this book presents one of the most accessible and achievable strategies around for losing weight and avoiding some of the more pernicious lifestyle diseases that are increasingly associated with excessive sugar consumption.

About the Author

David Gillespie is a recovering corporate lawyer, co-founder of a successful software company and consultant to the IT industry. He is also the father of six young children (including one set of twins). With such a lot of extra time on his hands, and 40 extra kilos on his waistline, he set out to investigate why he, like so many in his generation, was fat. He deciphered the latest medical findings on diet and weight gain and what he found was chilling. Being fat was the least of his problems. He needed to stop poisoning himself.

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