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They Told Me I Had To Write This - Kim Miller

They Told Me I Had To Write This

By: Kim Miller

Paperback | 1 July 2009 | Edition Number 1

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Clem is a boy in strife. Blamed for the death of his mother, carrying a terrible secret from Grade 5 and in trouble with the police, he's now in a school for toxic teenagers.

And that rev-head school counsellor wants him to write letters.

Through his writing Clem goes deep into the trauma that has defined his life. Then he comes face to face with his mother's death. In a rush of bush bike racing, the death of one student and the consequent arrest of another, an unexpected first girlfriend, and some surprising friendships, Clem's story is the celebration of a boy who finds an unexpected future.

12+ years

About the Author

Rev Dr Kim Miller grew up freewheeling the back streets of country NSW where wheels meant freedom. Life changed when he went to live in a boys home as a teenager. Following high school he was into motorbike dirt racing and ignoring university lectures. Somehow he made it to marriage and family. Kim works with people in and out of prison, managing a project called Home For Good in Newcastle, NSW. He still rides motorbikes and knows a bit about freedom.
Industry Reviews
"Clems a bit of a no-hoper. His mum died when he was born, his dad has no time for him, hes been in trouble at school, and even with the police. He has other, darker secrets as well. This term hes not at his old school any morenow hes at Rocky Valley. Its a bit different to his old schoolthey have their own livestock, and they go camping, and abseiling, and have their own mountain biking track, which bike-mad Clem loves. They also have Sessionevery student spends time one-on-one with a teacher. Clems teacher is the Rev, who owns a classic car, an even cooler motorcycle, and has a habit of asking hard questions. Now he wants Clem to write letters. As if that could help. As if that could change anything. Clem is a powerful character with a strong voice, whose growth and changes through the story never fail to feel authentic. His experiences and story have a real resonance, no doubt from author Kim Millers years of working with just such kids. Dealing with violence, drugs and sexual abuse, They Told Me I Had to Write This is recommended for more mature readers.- Heath GrahamBookseller+Publisher, July/August 2009"

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