Tomorrow - Mark Macleod


By: Mark Macleod, Kirrily Schell (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 1 April 2008

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This is a great kids book with a lovely message about living in the moment and that tomorrow is actually best experienced today. However, it is one of those delightful books that can be given as a gift for an adult. It is sturdy, the pages and illustrations are crisp and the words are thoughtful. So if you are in need of a gift book for someone who is special and needs to be reminded that living in the present rather than waiting for the future to come to live the life they hoped for, then this could be the perfect gift.

Chase and jump and dream and splash through puddles.

You've got so many things to do tomorrow, if you can just find the time.

Better start today!

A whimsical journey of discovery from the safety of home, out into the big wide world, and back again.
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