Victor's Challenge - Pamela Freeman

Victor's Challenge

By: Pamela Freeman, Kim Gamble (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 February 2009

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Booktopia Comments
Best Children's Short Fiction/Illustrated/Picture Book : 2010 Aurealis Awards
Product Description
Victor is back with a brand-new quest to prove he is worthy enough to marry his princess.

Prince Victor and Valerian want to get married. But Victor, in his own unusual way, must pass three seemingly impossible tests of bravery, endurance and cleverness. Victor must go back into the Dark Forest of Nevermore to battle a fiery man-eating dragon, retrieve an armband from the peak of a wizard's glass mountain, and uncover a tail feather from the rarest bird in the world.

About The Author

Pamela Freeman is an award-winning children’s author who has also worked as a freelance business and technical writer in many areas, including public relations and television. Pamela’s fantastic work ranges from picture books to young adult novels and she is best known for her Floramide series of fantasy novels which include The Willow Tree's Daughter, Windrider and The Centre of Magic (and to which the Victor books belong). The Castings Trilogy is Pamela’s highly successful fantasy series for adults published by Hachette Australia. In addition to this, she teaches creative writing to adults at the Sydney Writers’ Centre. Victor’s Challenge won the 2009 Aurealis Award for Best Children’s Short Fiction/Illustrated Work/Picture Book and was a Notable Book in the Younger Readers Category, Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards, 2010.

About The Illustrator

Kim Gamble has been drawing and painting for as long as he can remember. Best known for his collaborations with Anna Fienberg, Kim's many books include the Tashi series.
Industry Reviews
Victor's Challenge is a delightful sequel to Victor's Quest, presenting a whimsical tale of bravery and love, with a colourful cast of characters and plenty of adventures. * Aussie Reviews *

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