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Toriko, Volume 5 : Toriko - Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro

Toriko, Volume 5

By: Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro

Paperback | 7 June 2011

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Toriko is a Gourmet Hunter out to eat the world!

In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

Toriko and friends continue their search for the Regal Mammoth and the delicious “jewel meat” found deep in the creature's body. Toriko can handle the wildest beast that nature has to offer, but the team may be in some serious trouble when more robots from the evil Gourmet Corp. join the party.

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