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Votes of Confidence : A Young Person's Guide to American Elections - Jeff Fleischer

Votes of Confidence

A Young Person's Guide to American Elections

By: Jeff Fleischer

Paperback | 3 May 2016

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Following an interesting and hotly contested election year in 2016, Votes of Confidence offers young readers an essential guide to the past, present, and future of American elections.
Industry Reviews
"In a particularly winning voice, abetted by numerous intriguing anecdotes and trivia. . . Fleischer's primer tenders a wealth of insight in a generous and welcoming manner"--Kirkus Reviews (Starred Review) "A timely primer on the American electoral process . . . Many adults are poorly informed about the political system. . . This book would be a perfect refresher course, then, but should also be required reading for sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds as they prepare to vote for the first time. Fleischer covers a huge amount of information, but in such an orderly and lucid manner that it never feels overwhelming."--Foreword

"Votes of Confidence provides the whole package, working as a one-stop source not only for the election process but also the American government as a whole. . . [A] great addition to all libraries and will appeal to teens and adults as well. In a presidential election year, this is a timely resource."--VOYA

"This book is a timely addition to educate new and prospective voters and it is not so specific to render it obsolete after the 2016 election cycle. . . [A]n excellent supplement to a civics class."--School Library Journal

"This is certainly a timely book to be released during the election year. And given the high amount of interest in the candidates, with their behavior garnering so much attention, what a great way to use it to advantage and not only get young readers interested in politics, but explain to them, on their level, how it works - and why it's in place to start with. "--Dew on the Kudzu

" [Fleischer] takes on the challenge of explaining the election cycle to secondary students and deserves a 21-gun salute for his cogent and readable exposition. . . With clarity, succinctness, and a bit of ironic wit, this book is a definite first choice for high school and public libraries, for young people approaching voting age and for adults (e.g., those who can't name the three branches of federal government and the balance of powers that it provides to keep us going) to read almost everything you need to know before you vote!"--Books For Kids In a particularly winning voice, abetted by numerous intriguing anecdotes and trivia. . . Fleischer's primer tenders a wealth of insight in a generous and welcoming manner Kirkus Reviews (Starred Review) A timely primer on the American electoral process . . . Many adults are poorly informed about the political system. . . This book would be a perfect refresher course, then, but should also be required reading for sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds as they prepare to vote for the first time.Fleischer covers a huge amount of information, but in such an orderly and lucid manner that it never feels overwhelming. Foreword

"VotesofConfidenceprovidesthe whole package, workingas a one-stop source not only for theelectionprocess but also the American government as a whole. . . [A]great addition to all librariesand will appeal to teens andadults as well. Ina presidential electionyear, this is a timelyresource. VOYA Fleischer s well-contextualized, nonpartisan approach results in a valuable resource for readers looking to understand and become involved in a complicated system while avoiding spin. Publishers Weekly

This book is a timely addition to educate new andprospective voters and it is not so specific to render it obsolete afterthe2016 election cycle. . . [A]n excellent supplement to a civics class. School Library Journal

"This is certainly a timelybook to be released during the election year. Andgiventhe highamount of interest in thecandidates, with their behavior garnering somuch attention, what a great way to use it to advantage and not only getyoung readers interested in politics, but explain to them, on theirlevel, how it works - and why it's in place to start with. Dew on the Kudzu

[Fleischer] takes on the challenge of explaining the election cycle to secondary students and deserves a 21-gun salute for his cogent and readable exposition. . . With clarity, succinctness, and a bit of ironic wit, this book is a definite first choice for high school and public libraries, for young people approaching voting age and for adults (e.g., those who can't name the three branches of federal government and the balance of powers that it provides to keep us going) to read almost everything you need to know before you vote! Books For Kids


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