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Wanted, a Gentleman - K J Charles

Wanted, a Gentleman

By: K J Charles

Paperback | 9 January 2017

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By the good offices of Riptide Publishing
KJ Charles's new Entertainment


Or, Virtue Over-Rated

the grand romance of

Mr. Martin St. Vincent . . . a Merchant with a Mission, also a Problem
Mr. Theodore Swann . . . a humble Scribbler and Advertiser for Love


Act the First:

the offices of the Matrimonial Advertiser, London
where Lonely Hearts may seek one another for the cost of a shilling

Act the Second:

a Pursuit to Gretna Green (or thereabouts)


a speedy Carriage

sundry rustic Inns

a private Bed-chamber


In the course of which are presented

Romance, Revenge, and Redemption

Deceptions, Discoveries, and Desires

the particulars of which are too numerous to impart

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