Well Adjusted Babies - Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani

Well Adjusted Babies

By: Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani

Paperback | 1 April 2011 | Edition Number 2

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When it comes to quality parenting advice and support, Dr Jennifer's 'Well Adjusted' website is the resource for couples and families. Her bestselling book 'Well Adjusted Babies' is referred to as 'the new bible for pregnancy, childbirth and beyond' for families across the globe, and the soon-to-be-released 'Increase Fertility Fast' is her latest gem.

'Well Adjusted Babies' offers modern parents all the support and information they need to raise healthy, capable and very well-adjusted children.' - Dr Sarah Buckley MD, author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering.

At the heart of everything 'Well Adjusted' is Dr Jennifer's candid yet authoritative nature. As a mother of four and health practitioner, Dr Jennifer writes a free parenting blog (welladjustedbabies.com), and she is known as an authentic guide for couples and families wanting credible insights on strengthening their health.

'Well Adjusted Babies' is focused on providing practical, well-researched products that build health literacy. This awareness then transforms a family's health culture, inspiring and empowering parents to become strong, clear and confident carers of our future generation.

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