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What Snake is That? : Introducing Australian Snakes - Gerry Swan

What Snake is That?

Introducing Australian Snakes

By: Gerry Swan, Steve Wilson

Paperback | 13 November 2009

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What Snake is That? is a comprehensive introduction to those fascinating and misunderstood reptiles - the snakes.

The book covers all the groups of Australian snakes. Where identification features are of particular interest they are provided, and key pointers offer hints to general diagnostic aspects. People are generally most interested in whether a snake is harmful, or what unusual habits it has, so within each family the genera are grouped together on the basis of how we relate to them, their ecology or other behavioural traits.

About the Author

Gerry kept geckos while at school and after moving to Australia from New Zealand in the 1960s a chance encounter with a blue tongue lizard rekindled his interest in reptiles. An Associate of the Australian Museum and past editor of the journal Herpetofauna, Gerry has written and co-authored more than 9 books about reptiles; including What Snake is That, What Lizard is That, and Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia. He also works as a reptile consultant and has a particular interest in the reptiles of the arid and semi-arid regions of New South Wales.

Steve's lifelong love affair with reptiles has taken him to some of Australia most remote places. For the past 30 years he has been working to compile a comprehensive photographic documentation of Australia reptiles. He has authored/co-authored more than 5 books, including A Field Guide to Reptiles, What Snake is That, and What Lizard is That and has written many magazine articles on reptiles. For the past 20 years Steve has worked at the Queensland Museum, educating the public, identifying their specimens and (hopefully) instilling a desire to conserve our unique biological heritage.

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