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X-Ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals - Duane M. Moore

X-Ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals

By: Duane M. Moore, Robert C. Reynolds

Paperback | 13 February 1997 | Edition Number 2

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This successful text/reference, now in a new edition, explores the applications and limitations of data produced by the interaction of X-rays with clay minerals. This edition pays particular attention to integrating the mineralogy of soils and features a new chapter on disorder and polytypes. Chapter Four, from the first edition, has been expanded and split into two chapters, "Structure and Properties: General Treatment" and "Structure, Nonmenclature, and Occurrences of Clay Minerals." Essential in agriculture, geology, and in making informed engineering decisions, this text offers the necessary information on the properties of these minerals, combining theoretical discussion with recipe-like directions for laboratory procedures. Ideal for students who have completed introductory geology, chemistry, and mineralogy courses, this text can also be used as a reference for researchers and workers in industry.
Industry Reviews
"Excellent text--best currently available."--Ernest H. Carlson, Kent State University "An invaluable resource; required reading for a serious clay mineral worker."--Peter Schiffman, University of California, Davis "Excellent reference for clay mineral identification. Served students in mineralogy/optical mineralogy/x-ray analysis and those doing independent research and senior theses very well."--Donald B. Allen, Colby College "An excellent practical text for identifying clay minerals."--James R. Boles, University of California, Santa Barbara Praise for the previous edition "Altogether admirable. . .if ever a book is going to be a winner with students this is it! . . .Highly recommended for all clay mineralogists. . . .readable and lucidly written. . . .the book will enable the reader to get the most out of the X-ray examination of clay minerals." --Clay Minerals

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