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 Zac Climbs High : Book 4 - H. I. Larry

Zac Climbs High

Book 4

By: H. I. Larry

Paperback | 1 June 2010 | Edition Number 1

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Even super boy spies have to learn their awesome spying skills somewhere! First readers can now follow Zac Power as he trains for his missions! Join Zac Power at Spy Camp . . . and as Zac has a uncanny way of getting into trouble, he's sure to encounter some mini missions along the way! The books are enthralling and high on excitement, without overwhelming first readers with too many words!

With a maximum of 50 words per page, <I.Spy Camps are packed with illustrations and word art. At only 60 pages, young readers can easily get through them and feel a great sense of achievement. First readers can enjoy the challenge of reading on their own, while older Zac Power fans can extend the world of Zac Power, and relax with an easier read!

Zac Power Spy Camp follows on from the enormous success of Zac Power Test Drives. Our aim was to breathe new life into the early reader genre and take school readers to a new level, the Zac way. It's obvious our mission was accomplished, with a staggering 120,000 units of the Zac Power Test Drives sold out of market in less than a year!

In Zac Power Spy Camp #4: Zac Climbs High, Zac is off on Spy Camp to do circus training. What will happen when his tightrope breaks?

About the Author

H.I.Larry is the pseudonym used by the writers of the bestselling Zac Power children's series.

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