The Ultimate Imaginary Literary Dinner Party Guest List: Guest One, The Drunkard

by |August 13, 2012

I need your help.

After all this sport I want to celebrate the intellect. I’m going to host my very own dinner party. An imaginary dinner party, with some of the greats of literature. But my imaginary dinner must be a small intimate affair. I want to be able to talk with my guests. I don’t want it to be overcrowded or too grand.

So I need your help. I’ve compiled a guest list. I want particular kinds of guests. I want variety. I want spice. I want argument and passion. The perfect roll call for a dinner party, if you will. Here is my wish list:

My dinner party is on Saturday night. This gives me five days, from today, to fill these five positions.

I’ve got a long list of people in mind, but I need your help to narrow it down. You can do this by voting in the poll below

You can also suggest anyone I might have left off the list that you think fits the bill.

Today I need you choose the first guest – The Drunkard. A very important ingredient. He or she will get the night going, though they may not make it the whole night through. Vote below.

We’ll publish the results each day, and on Saturday we’ll unveil The Ultimate Imaginary Literary Dinner Party Guest List.

And next week, I’ll give you a full report on how it went and the books that these great figures have been influenced by.

Your host,

Andrew Cattanach

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About the Contributor

Andrew Cattanach is a regular contributor to The Booktopia Blog. He has been shortlisted for The Age Short Story Prize and was named a finalist for the 2015 Young Bookseller of the Year Award. He enjoys reading, writing and sleeping, though finds it difficult to do them all at once.

Follow Andrew: Twitter


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