This is Andrew.
Andrew works at Booktopia.
A generous heart is not strong in this one, a veritable Scrooge is he. Unfortunately for him it’s time to buy presents for his parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews.
Solution, books. They’re cheap as chips these days and yet still have the aura of a luxury item. Andrew would like to share his selections with you, and maybe send you in the right direction with your shopping.
Just click on any picture for more details about the book.
Likes: Dutch violinists, Gardening Australia, Mark Taylor and cooking casseroles.
Dislikes: Sports where people get hurt, foul language, Marge Gatting who always wins at her Wednesday Bridge Group.
Likes: Sports where people get hurt, buffalo grass, foul language, rationing, days when people didn’t bother him.
Dislikes: Bill Gatting who always wins the Thursday badge draw, long books, films in colour.
Likes: Cricket, Rugby League, AFL, Rugby Union, Tennis, Soccer, Golf.
Dislikes: His son writing about him on the internet.
Likes: Thrillers, that nice man on the telly, baking, spoiling the grandkids, memories of university before ‘the kids ruined her life’.
Dislikes: Things that come up when she accidentally types the wrong word into google.
Likes: Starting arguments about politics, biographies, autobiographies.
Dislikes: Peace and quiet in the kitchen on Christmas morning.
Likes: Books that intimidate nearly everyone, knowing more than anyone else.
Dislikes: Books with fifty, shades, and grey in the title.
Likes: Laughing, making people laugh, making people cringe, then laugh.
Dislikes: People that don’t have a sense of humour, people that like Dane Cook.
Likes: Learning about anything and everything.
Dislikes: The way the family continue to mess the recycling system up.
Likes: Breaking toys, breaking furniture, breaking windows, breaking spirits.
Dislikes: Any food where his mother can hide a pea inside.
Likes: Boy bands, girl bands, drawing, singing, dancing.
Dislikes: Her brother.
Likes: Tonka Trucks, Plastic Hammers and Train Sets.
Dislikes: His sister.
Likes: Drooling, eating, refusing to be toilet trained.
Dislikes: Car trips, cats, pottys.
About the Contributor
Andrew Cattanach
Andrew Cattanach is a regular contributor to The Booktopia Blog. He has been shortlisted for The Age Short Story Prize and was named a finalist for the 2015 Young Bookseller of the Year Award. He enjoys reading, writing and sleeping, though finds it difficult to do them all at once.
Follow Andrew: Twitter
December 6, 2012 at 11:20 am
Hi there, the link’s not working for this one? Malvina