Australian Romance Author Showcase with…Fiona Lowe

by |July 30, 2013

As part of Australian Romance Month, Romance Specialist Haylee Nash will be interviewing one Australian Romance author per day. Much like a beauty pageant, each author will be using their charm, wit and grace (and the power of social media) to take home the Booktopia Romance Bestseller crown. Booktopia invites bestselling Mills & Boon author Fiona Lowe to the stage.

1. Describe the perfect date.
Given that it’s freezing cold while I’m writing this, my mind goes straight to the Australian high-country with its towering snow-gums and majestic ranges. There is nothing more special than a picnic in the snow on a still and sunny day with mulled wine and a man to keep you warm.

2. Which of your books are you most proud of?
Seriously? You want me to choose one of my beloved children over the other? That’s plain cruel. I guess as Boomerang Bride was my break-out novel and won a RITA® for Best Contemporary Romance in 2012, I would have to say it is up there along with Newborn Baby for Christmas, which is set close to where I live and is nominated for the 2013 Australian R*BY. But Picture Perfect Wedding, my second book in the Wedding Fever trilogy is definitely a book of my heart. With dogs, cows, a heroine who is geographically challenged and a deliciously sexy farmer, it wrote itself.

3. What is the hardest thing about being a romance author?
Coming up with story ideas! I’m a bit slow on that front and although I’m addicted to finishing a book, I find starting a new one hard.

4. What is the best thing about being a romance author?
Hands down, it’s the letters you get from readers. When someone reads your story and it touches their heart, that is something special indeed.

5. Who (aside from a significant other) do you swoon over?
I swoon over my significant other? *Cough* Of course I do.  Although I am not at all against tall, dark and handsome, I find on reflection that often I go for the blond-haired males such as David Wenham and Brett Tucker. In fact, Brett Tucker inspired Luke in Picture Perfect Wedding.

the-boomerang-bride6. Tell us something very few people know about you.
“I am very uncoordinated and yet I once found myself having to tap-dance on top of a narrow platform in a stage production of Dinkum Assorted. I fell off in dress rehearsal!

7. Describe your writing style in three words.
Humorous , heartfelt & sexy.

Click here to buy Boomerang Bride from Booktopia,
Australia’s local bookstore

8. What is your definition of a good book?
One where I become invested in the characters and I fear for them, I cheer for them, cry with them and rejoice in their successes. I must see character growth and change across the novel or I will put the book down.

9. Which author would you invite to a dinner party and why?
Jane Austen. I reckon she would have lots of really funny stories about people and situations.

10. Finish this sentence: I would do anything for love, but I won’t_____
cut up liver. The squidgy feel of it just makes me shudder!

Fiona Lowe is a RITA® and R*BY award-winning, multi-published author with Harlequin and Carina Press. Whether her books are set in outback Australia or in the mid-west of the USA, they feature small towns with big hearts, and warm, likeable characters that make you fall in love. When she’s not writing stories, she’s a weekend wife, mother of two ‘ginger’ teenage boys, guardian of 80 rose bushes and often found collapsed on the couch with wine.

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