Text Publishing has been giving Australian writers a strong independent voice for years. No better example of this is their exquisite range of Text Classics, showcasing some of the finest writing our nation has produced over her history.
The Text Classics range is the perfect destination for any fan of classic Australian Novels, and this month you could fill your library thanks to Text Publishing!
January is the month of Australian Stories at Booktopia and to celebrate Text Publishing are giving you the chance to win the entire collection – 70 classic Australian novels valued at over over $900!
All you need to do to enter the draw is buy a Text Classic during the month of January.
Check out some of our favourites, or click here to see the full range.
by Madeleine St. John
In the famous F.G. Goode department store, Lisa is the new Sales Assistant (Temporary) in Ladies’ Cocktail Frocks. She is about to meet Magda, the glamorous Continental refugee and guardian of the rose-pink cave of Model Gowns.
by Henry Handel Richardson
Henry Handel Richardson’s debut, published in London in 1908, is set in the music scene of turn-of-the-century Leipzig, a cosmopolitan centre for the arts drawing students from around the world – among them Maurice Guest, a young Englishman, who falls helplessly in love with an Australian woman, Louise Dufrayer.
by Boyd Oxlade
Down on his luck and hard up for cash, Carl works in the kitchen of a seedy rock ‘n’ roll joint in ethnically diverse Brunswick. The bouncers and bosses terrify him, he’s desperately in love with a much younger Greek waitress, and to make matters worse his mother has come to stay with him. Then a dead body turns up. He and his best mate, Dave, will have to do something about it, and fast – or it’s goodnight, Carl
by Frederic Manning
First published anonymously in 1929 because its language was considered far too frank for public circulation, The Middle Parts of Fortune was hailed by T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound, by Lawrence of Arabia and Ernest Hemingway, as an extraordinary novel. Its author was in fact Frederic Manning, an Australian writer who fought in the Battle of the Somme in 1916, and who told his story of men at war from the perspective of an ordinary soldier. Never before published in Australia, The Middle Parts of Fortune is now recognised as a twentieth-century classic.
About the Contributor
Andrew Cattanach
Andrew Cattanach is a regular contributor to The Booktopia Blog. He has been shortlisted for The Age Short Story Prize and was named a finalist for the 2015 Young Bookseller of the Year Award. He enjoys reading, writing and sleeping, though finds it difficult to do them all at once.
Follow Andrew: Twitter
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