REVIEW: Maestra by L.S. Hilton

by |February 15, 2016

maestraThe buzz around this book is incredible. It has been sold into so many countries around the world I have lost count. In the tradition of Fifty Shades, Gone Girl, and Girl on a Train, Maestra by L.S. Hilton has all the hallmarks of a bestseller.

You’ll be seeing people reading this on planes, trains, buses, down at the beach, in parks – wherever people have a minute to sneak in another chapter. The one copy we had was passed from hand to hand. It seems everyone at Booktopia wants their chance to read it.

I read Maestra over two nights. I just had to read on. And as the pages turned the story changed dramatically, accelerating, deepening, and becoming more complex, filthier and more irresistible. The heroine, Judith Rashleigh, is a dark horse. That’s all I’m going to say. I don’t want to ruin it for you. But prepare to be shocked.

With sex, fashion, the Mediterranean in summer, fine art, the super wealthy and the exquisitely devious, Maestra is the perfect guilty read…

(L.S. Hilton is actually softly spoken, bestselling historian and novelist, Lisa Hilton. You may have seen her in recent documentaries Versailles: Dream of a King and Mistresses. Well, when Lisa handed Maestra to her agent, she refused to take it, saying the novel was ‘disgusting’. I think Lisa will have the last laugh, though. Maestra will be published worldwide and Sony Pictures plans to turn it into a film.)

Grab your copy of Maestra here!

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About the Contributor

While still in his twenties, John Purcell opened a second-hand bookshop in Mosman, Sydney, in which he sat for ten years reading, ranting and writing. Since then he has written, under a pseudonym, a series of very successful novels, interviewed hundreds of writers about their work, appeared at writers’ festivals, on TV (most bizarrely in comedian Luke McGregor’s documentary Luke Warm Sex) and has been featured in prominent newspapers and magazines. ​Now, as the Director of Books at, Australia’s largest online bookseller, he supports Australian writing in all its forms. He lives in Sydney with his wife, two children, three dogs, five cats, unnumbered gold fish and his overlarge book collection. His novel, The Girl on the Page, was published by HarperCollins Australia in October, 2018.

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