Ten Terrifying Questions with Greg Smith, author of Stop Living Pay to Pay

by |October 21, 2020
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Greg Smith has dedicated his life to helping Australians understand money. He has written 15 books on the subject and been a regular commentator on radio and TV. Now, after a long break, he is back with this book Stop Living Pay to Pay (and three others to come), and a return to his regular column in Australia’s biggest magazine, Woman’s Day, plus a number of radio spots where he is helping Australia’s heartland navigate these uncertain times.

Today, Greg Smith is on the blog to answer our Ten Terrifying Questions – read on!

1. To begin with, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled?

Born Sydney, raised in Richmond NSW on a 30ha farm. Schooled begrudgingly. Now have two amazing young sons, aged 10 and 8, and live to see their smiles and hear their mischievous giggles every day.

2. What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty? And why?

That’s easy. At twelve, I wanted to be a dentist – I spent most of my life in a dentist chair up until then, so I kind of thought it was cool. But I quickly changed my mind and switched to wanting be a financial writer when I got my first job at the ASX. At thirty, the wheels fell off. Got made redundant twice in one year. Bounced from banking to advertising and then to running my own consultancy. Then realised that career is one thing, but you need to seriously balance it with family and enjoy the greatest gift of all: kids.

3. What strongly held belief did you have at eighteen that you do not have now?

That is an easy one – At eighteen I thought I knew all that I needed to know. Oh how wrong I was!

4. What are some works of art – film, book or piece of music, etc – that you can now say had a great effect on you and influenced your career?

Books – Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Movie – Life is Beautiful – even in the darkest of hours you can always keep up a smile.

5. Considering the innumerable avenues open to you, why did you choose to write this book?

I wanted to show that life is beautiful and that despite its ups and downs you can always find a pathway.

6. Please tell us about your book!

It is a first hand account of how I fell into the pay to pay cycle during different stages of my life. It is not a rags to riches tale. Far from it. It is a real-life account showing how easy it is to fall into the pay to pay cycle and what to do to get yourself out.

7. What do you hope people take away with them after reading your book?

A smile and a plan! Seriously, three things: 1. You are not alone. 2. There is no shame in being in the pay to pay cycle, and 3. There is a way out.

8. Who do you most admire in the realm of writing and why?

This may be a cliché of an answer but J.K. Rowling. Her personal journey is one of never, ever, ever giving up.

9. Many artists and entrepreneurs set themselves very ambitious goals. What are yours?

I had a goal to be retired by 30. Well that didn’t happen. Then I had a goal to be retired by 40. Again, didn’t happen. Now my goal is to not retire. Bugger that! There’s far too much to do. So many opportunities to add value and create in so many areas of work and life.

10. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Don’t wait for an offer to come to you. In this current world it probably won’t. Many publishers are under increasing pressure to cut costs. Also forget getting an agent. Total waste of time! They will take at least 40% of your income just for connecting you – if you are lucky! Remember if the publishers are not buying because they are cutting back, what home does an agent have? My advice if you have a burning desire to be published is to go for an eBook first.

Stop Living Pay to Pay by Greg Smith (Booktopia Editions) is out now.

Stop Living Pay to Payby Greg Smith

Stop Living Pay to Pay

by Greg Smith

Millions of Australians are struggling to make ends meet. Many are so overwhelmed by the financial impact of COVID-19 that they just don't know where to start. In Stop Living Pay to Pay, money expert and bestselling author Greg Smith shows the way out. Everything you are about to read is based on a first-hand account of Greg's life journey.

Far from a rags-to-riches tale, he candidly shares his personal story of how he fell into (and then made his way out of) the pay to pay cycle. You will feel as though Greg is sitting right next to you, sharing his story. Learn from him, feel his...

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