Ten Terrifying Questions with Brigid Kemmerer!

by |February 15, 2021
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Brigid Kemmerer is the New York Times bestselling author of dark and alluring young adult novels like The Cursebreaker Series, the latest of which is A Vow So Bold and Deadly. A full time writer, Brigid lives in the Baltimore area with her husband, her boys, her dog, and her cat. When she’s not writing or being a mommy, you can usually find her with her hands wrapped around a barbell.

Today, Brigid Kemmerer is on the blog to answer our Ten Terrifying Questions! Read on …

Brigid Kemmerer

Brigid Kemmerer

1. To begin with why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled?

I was born in Omaha, Nebraska, which is almost smack dab in the center of the United States. I was adopted at birth by very loving parents, and we moved – a LOT – while I was growing up. I’ve lived all over the USA, but I currently live near Baltimore, Maryland, which is on the east coast, about an hour north of Washington DC.

2. What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty? And why?

When I was 12, I wanted to be a writer. When I was 18, I wanted to be a writer. When I was 30, I wanted to be a writer. I just love telling stories.

3. What strongly held belief did you have when you were younger that you do not have now?

Everything I can think of is so embarrassing! I was raised in a conservative Catholic household, but now that I’ve grown up, I consider my beliefs to be a lot more liberal. But bottom line, I strongly believe in accepting all people for who they are, and treating everyone with dignity and kindness.

4. What are three works of art – book or painting or piece of music, etc – that you can now say had a great effect on you and influenced your own development as a writer?

Remember Me by Christopher Pike is the earliest YA novel I can remember reading. I remember being blown away by the fact that all the characters were teenagers having these amazing adventures. I fell in love with YA on the spot.

The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker is a book that was handed to me when I worked in a bookstore, while I was dealing with a very frightening experience with a boyfriend who’d turned into a stalker. It’s an amazing book and I think everyone should read it. It’s all about how we train ourselves to ignore our instincts. I think about that book a lot when I’m crafting villains or terrifying scenes.

‘Something Beautiful’ by NeedtoBreathe is a song that I’ve always associated with my first published novel, Storm, and anytime I hear it, it brings back all the emotions of going through the experience of writing a book and having readers – complete strangers! – find it and read it for the first time.

5. Considering the innumerable artistic avenues open to you, why did you choose to write a young adult novel?

I wouldn’t call them innumerable. I mean, you’ve never seen me sketch a picture, and I don’t recommend the experience. But as far as YA, I simply love it. As adults, we’re used to having to deal with complex emotions, especially with heavy issues, and our books tend to gloss over that angst. Teenagers are dealing with many of these emotions for the first time, and there’s just a level of intensity and immediacy that you don’t usually find in adult literature.

6. Please tell us about your latest book …

A Vow So Bold and Deadly is the third book in the Cursebreaker series, which is loosely based on the fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast. In Vow, the battle between two warring kingdoms will finally come to a head, and the ultimate ruler of the cursed kingdom of Emberfall will finally be determined.

7. What do you hope readers will take away with them after reading your book?

Hope. I wrote most of the book during lockdown due to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, and it was an emotionally terrifying time for much of the country. I put a lot of emotion and strife into the story, and I hope readers find a satisfying resolution when they discover the fates of all their favourite characters.

8. Who do you most admire in the realm of writing and why?

Jodi Picoult. She’s become an amazing mentor to me, but even before we met and became friends, I had such admiration for her talents as a writer and her kindness and empathy as a human being.

9. Many artists set themselves very ambitious goals. What are yours?

To get better with every book I write.

10. What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Read widely! Read books by people who don’t look like you and don’t think like you. Read books in genres you might otherwise not enjoy. Read books you wouldn’t regularly pick up. Not all the time. But stay curious. Read outside your experience. Ask questions and keep thinking. Reading is all about safely discovering new things. Use that.

Thank you for playing!

A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer (Bloomsbury Australia) is out now.

A Vow So Bold and Deadlyby Brigid Kemmerer

A Vow So Bold and Deadly

The Cursebreaker Series: Book 3

by Brigid Kemmerer

The incredible conclusion to New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer's Cursebreaker series.

Emberfall is crumbling fast, torn between those who believe Rhen is the rightful prince and those who are eager to begin a new era under Grey, the true heir. Grey has agreed to wait two months before attacking Emberfall, and in that time, Rhen has turned away from everyone--even Harper, as she desperately tries to help him find a path to peace. Meanwhile, Lia Mara struggles to rule Syhl Shallow with a gentler hand than her mother...

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