Ten Terrifying Questions with Emmaline Carroll Southwell!

by |October 14, 2021
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Emmaline Carroll Southwell is a mum of three and acting graduate of USQ and VCA. Like so many others, Emmaline downloaded TikTok during lockdown in 2020 to help pass the time and keep her creativity flowing. She now has over 360k followers and her videos have been watched by millions around the world. Our Family Pledge is her first book.

Today, Emmaline is on the blog to take on our Ten Terrifying Questions! Read on …

Emmaline Carroll Southwell

Emmaline Carroll Southwell

1. To begin with, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled?

I was born in the Yarra Valley in Victoria, and then spent the later part of my childhood and teens in Brisbane. I moved back to Melbourne when I was 20 to go to the VCA and I’ve been here ever since.

2. What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty? And why?

I wanted to be on the stage from as early as I can remember; the stage was a huge part of my upbringing. As a baby I would sleep backstage whilst my mother taught dancing, I saw my first musical Cats at 2 and went to my first live concert of Tina Turner at 5. It was definitely a case of both nature and nurture.

By 30 however (9 years ago) I was a stay at home mum experiencing a pivotal shift and making my peace with the fact that perhaps the stage (acting) wasn’t going to be part of my plan. I knew that I was a creative being, and that whatever I potentially ended up doing would have to be ‘creative’ – I just didn’t know in what form or how or when …

3. What strongly held belief did you have at eighteen that you don’t have now?

For the longest time I had a subconscious belief that time was running out. I felt that what I wanted in life had to happen in the moment that I wanted it or it may never happen. I’ve since discovered that life is long, and that some of the most wonderful and satisfying experiences in life can happen with no warning or planning. And I like that – it feels somewhat predestined.

4. What are three works of art – this could be a book, painting, piece of music, film, etc – that influenced your development as a writer?

This is a hard one for me because I’m somewhat of a new or accidental writer. My book Our Family Pledge came to be from a poem that I wrote just for my family as our own little reminder on how we want to live our lives and the kind of people we want to be.

I’ve always been moved by the sonnets of Shakespeare, Louise Hay’s affirmations, and Dr Seuss’ book Oh, The Places You’ll Go, however, so perhaps they’ve had more of an influence on me than I realise!

‘My greatest artistic experiences however have come to me when I have least expected it. This book is one of those experiences and I have thoroughly enjoyed this process of trust and surprise.’

5. Considering the many artistic forms out there, what appeals to you about writing a children’s book?

I like that you can address what many might consider ‘mature topics’ with children but in a delicate and age appropriate way. I also really like children’s rhyming books because children seem to learn the text easier (well at least my 3 do). If there’s an important theme or message I want my children to retain, I make a short rhyming phrase about it.

6. Please tell us about your latest book!

Our Family Pledge is a children’s book that focuses on human values and a series of different beliefs that we (my family) consider important in order to try and live a great life and to be a great person; a great person to oneself, one another, and the planet.

7. What do you hope people take away with them after reading your work?

I just hope it prompts families to have discussions on topics such as respect, tolerance, inclusivity, and love.

8. Who do you most admire in the writing world and why?

I admire all people that want to create stories; be that through words, dance, song, art, acting etc. The artist’s pathway is rarely straightforward or profitable but their drive, determination, and passion keep propelling them on. I think that’s so inspiring.

9. Many artists set themselves very ambitious goals. What are yours?

This is an interesting one for me because I spent most of my life having huge artistic goals but only ever achieved a small handful. My greatest artistic experiences however have come to me when I have least expected it. This book is one of those experiences and I have thoroughly enjoyed this process of trust and surprise, so I want to continue with that for a bit because it’s so much more enjoyable and rewarding to me. I’d love the opportunity to perhaps publish another book, but for now I’m just enjoying this one.

10. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

I think my advice for aspiring writers (or any aspiring artist) would be that whilst it keeps making you happy just keep doing it, and also try to be open to change, because being brave to shift your focus even just slightly might be the thing that unlocks your greatest potential.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you, that was fun.

Our Family Pledge by Emmaline Carroll Southwell (Affirm Press) is out now.

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Our Family Pledgeby Emmaline Carroll Southwell

Our Family Pledge

by Emmaline Carroll Southwell

This is the perfect book for any family who wants to teach their children compassion for themselves, others and the planet.

Featuring messages of kindness woven into memorable verses, Our Family Pledge is a universal set of promises designed to be practised and passed down through generations...

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