Ten Terrifying Questions with Dr Russ Harris!

by |November 3, 2021
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Dr Russ Harris is a world-renowned trainer of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). As a GP he became increasingly interested in the psychological aspects of health and wellbeing, which led to a total career change. He now works in two different, yet complementary roles, as a therapist and a coach. His seminal book on achieving a truly fulfilling life, The Happiness Trap, is out today in a brand new, updated edition.

Today, Dr Russ Harris is on the blog to take on our Ten Terrifying Questions! Read on …

Dr Russ Harris

Dr Russ Harris

1. To begin with why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled?

I was born in Liverpool, England, back in 1966, the youngest of six kids. I grew up there and left when I was seventeen; went up north to Newcastle , where I studied medicine.

2. What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty? And why?

At 12, I wanted to be an actor, simply because I loved movies. (Clint Eastwood was my idol.)

At 18, I wanted to be a doctor – which was a good thing, because I’d just started medical school!

At 30, I wanted to be a comedian. I wasn’t enjoying being a doctor very much, so I’d started performing stand up comedy as a hobby. My stage name was ‘Dr Russ’, and my routine was about all the outrageous things that doctors really say and do and think (things that you don’t get to see on all those medical TV shows).

3. What strongly held belief did you have at eighteen that you don’t have now?

“You can do it alone!” I used to believe in the myth of the “self-made man”; that if you worked at it hard enough, you can “create your own success”. Took me many years to realise that “no man is an island”; that behind every success story there’s a vast network of people who all contribute – and without whom, it wouldn’t happen.

4. What are three works of art – this could be a book, painting, piece of music, film, etc – that influenced your development as a writer?

The Wasp Factory by Ian Banks

The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

5. Considering the many artistic forms out there, what appeals to you about writing non-fiction?

I like many different artistic forms. I also write non-fiction, draw cartoons and write poetry. And in years gone by, I played trumpet and trombone, performed stand-up comedy, and even went to film school. So, I’ve experimented with many different artistic forms, and they all appeal to me; I just wish I could live long enough to learn more of them!

The appeal, for me, is simple: being creative is inherently fulfilling; it stimulates the brain and the heart.

I also enjoy the challenge of getting better, improving your skills and knowledge. (There’s always so much more to learn!)

‘Many popular ideas about happiness are misleading, inaccurate or false – and will actually make you miserable if you hold onto them.’

6. Please tell us about your latest book!

It’s called The Happiness Trap, because many popular ideas about happiness are misleading, inaccurate or false – and will actually make you miserable if you hold onto them. The sad truth is, we’re in the midst of an epidemic of stress, anxiety and depression, and many popular psychological approaches are making it worse!

In The Happiness Trap, you learn how to free yourself from the shackles of psychological suffering, and instead build a rich and meaningful life, using the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Whether you’re lacking confidence, facing illness, coping with loss, working in a high-stress job, or suffering from anxiety or depression, this book will show you how to build authentic happiness, from the inside out.

7. What do you hope people take away with them after reading your work?

The reality that life is hard, and everyone suffers but even so, we can all find a way to live fully and make the most of our brief precious time on this planet.

8. Who do you most admire in the writing world and why?

Margaret Atwood. She truly excels in every area of fiction writing: believable, flawed characters, compelling narratives, intriguing plots, fantastic use of language … and the list goes on.

9. Many artists set themselves very ambitious goals. What are yours?

I’m the opposite. Ambitious goals make me nervous. If they’re too big, they feel impossible. Small, realistic goals are the way to go. A typical goal of mine would be: “sit in front of the computer and write for one hour”. It doesn’t matter if I write 5 words or 500 words in that time. But I’m not allowed to do anything else – surf the net, check social media etc. I’m either staring at the screen or writing – nothing else.

10. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Remember the wise words of Ernest Hemingway: ‘The first draft of anything is shit!’ Allow yourself to write that crappy first draft; you don’t have to show it to anyone else. It’s not until the second or third or fourth or fifth draft that you produce something decent.

Thank you for playing!

The Happiness Trap by Dr Russ Harris (Exisle Publishing) is out now. Limited signed copies are available while stocks last.

The Happiness Trapby Dr Russ Harris

The Happiness Trap

Limited Signed Copies Available!

by Dr Russ Harris

In The Happiness Trap, Dr. Russ Harris provides a means to escape the epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression, unlocking the secrets to a truly fulfilling life.

Updated and expanded in its second edition, this empowering book presents the insights and techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), covering more topics and providing more practical tools than ever before. Learn how to clarify your values, develop self-compassion, and find true satisfaction with this bigger and better guide...

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