Ten Terrifying Questions with Lorraine Murphy!

by |December 30, 2021
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Lorraine Murphy is an award-winning entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, mentor and mother. Lorraine founded her first business in 2012. Australia’s first influencer talent agency, it grew from a start-up to multi-million dollar turnover and earned Lorraine and the business several accolades including being named as one of BRW’s Fast Starters, Entrepreneur of the Year, Content Marketer of the Year, Emerging Agency of the Year and Australian Start Up of the Year. In December 2017, She now creates online programs, events and mentoring programs, as well as her weekly podcast, The Lorraine Murphy Show. Lorraine’s books include the acclaimed, bestselling Remarkability, Get Remarkably Organised and now Step Into You. Lorraine lives in Sydney, Australia, is married to fellow entrepreneur Wade and is the ridiculously proud mother of their two children, Lexi and Wilder.

Today, Lorraine is on the blog to take on our Ten Terrifying Questions! Read on …

Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy

1. To begin with, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled?

I grew up in Dublin, Ireland amongst an enormous gaggle of cousins. As one of the eldest, I had a lucrative pipeline for my early hustling – first with babysitting, and later, tutoring! I attended the local Gaelic primary school, so my education until the age of 12 was exclusively through the Irish language.

2. What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty? And why?

Twelve – a vet, and I convinced myself that I’d somehow be ok with the hairier elements of that career (like putting animals to sleep and breaking bad news to owners).

Eighteen – a PR consultant. I’d read a few novels with shiny PR-chick heroines, and it seemed like a fun job, so I chose a Communications degree to give me a well-rounded base that would hopefully set me up for a PR role.

I graduated and painstakingly sent tailored cover letters and my resume to every PR firm in Dublin, and all I got was a handful of PFO (please eff off) letters. So I enrolled in a six-month postgraduate diploma in PR, that included an internship program and I found my first role from my internship.

Thirty – an author. I had successfully started my first business at 29, and was itching to share the experience with other wannabe entrepreneurs. I pitched the concept for my first book – Remarkability – to Hachette Australia, and became a published author at 34.

3. What strongly held belief did you have at eighteen that you don’t have now?

That the world is black and white – and that it’s easy to differentiate between what the “right” and “wrong” way to think, live and be are.

Looking back at myself at eighteen, I can see how many of my beliefs were in absolutes, purely as result of living in a small town exclusively with people who were, well, exactly like me.

And what I’ve learned since then is that there are many, many shades of grey between the black and white at either end of the spectrum, and that everyone’s individual shade of grey is coloured by their upbringing, experiences and relationships until that point.

4. What are three things – this could be a book, painting, piece of music, film, etc – that influenced your career development?

My favourite author as a child was Laura Ingalls Wilder, she of the Little House on the Prairie series. She’s my first example of a female author and – even today – I think of the stories she shared in her books. We named our little boy, Wilder, after her!

Do The Work, by Steven Pressfield, was paradigm-shifting for me – particularly what he shares about the concept of “resistance” in the book. I’d never heard of it before, and fully assumed that the critical inner voice I experienced when undertaking any creative endeavours was something only was something I alone suffered with. Understanding resistance totally changed the game for me, and brought much more confidence and ease to my creativity – both in my books but also in my business.

I started my first business at 29 and had zero sales experience. Not knowing how to sell was a huge skills gap for me, and I was so grateful when my husband recommended The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes to me. That book educated me on selling in a way that was authentic and enjoyable for me, and gave tonnes of value to my potential clients. I still come back to the concepts he shared in the book ten years later.

‘Mentoring women is the backbone of my second business – whether that’s through one-on-one work, at my retreats, on my online programs or at virtual and IRL events.’

5. What appeals to you about writing a personal development book?

The opportunity to pass on the learnings I’ve had in my own life, for sure. Figuring out how to navigate the inevitable challenges and curve balls that life sends my way, then sharing how I overcame or dealt with them has been the common thread throughout all four of my books.

When I’m going through a tough spot in life, I (only half joking) tell myself that – one day – it’ll make for great content!

6. Please tell us about your latest book!

Oooh I’m so excited for this one! Mentoring women is the backbone of my second business – whether that’s through one-on-one work, at my retreats, on my online programs or at virtual and IRL events. Step Into You packages up the very best nuggets that have helped my mentees most in the last four years, and it’s the perfect book to help women shift out of a rut, find their purpose, set their goals… and stay on track with them. It was a joy to write.

7. What do you hope people take away with them after reading your work?

Firstly, that they have the confidence and the tools to design – and create – the life they wish to be living.

Secondly, that they have (their own) full permission to do that.

And thirdly, that they’re not alone. So often we believe that the self-doubt, or lack of motivation, or any number of other worries we have are exclusive to us. And what this book will do is remind readers that (in the nicest possible way) that they’re not special, that most challenges are universal, and that there is a tried ‘n’ tested way to overcome them.

8. Who do you most admire in the writing world and why?

Glennon Doyle. I read her first two books three years ago, and was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Untamed for six months. I devoured it on my Kindle, I then bought the print book, devoured that… and have read it at least five times since. I admire her courage, vulnerability and her ability to so beautifully articulate the lived experience of women.

9. Many artists set themselves very ambitious goals. What are yours?

I want to write a book a year for as long as I feel the urge to!

10. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Just start writing.

Back in 2011, I had planned out my first book and wasn’t sure if I’d get a book deal – and if I didn’t, I wasn’t going to write the book at all. My husband, who is far wiser than me, suggested I write it anyway – and that I’d at least get a few blog posts out of the content.

I set myself a goal of writing the book before my birthday in seven weeks, and achieved that goal. Hachette said yes, and Remarkability was born in 2016. I firmly believe that the Universe kicks into action when we get serious about our goals. So if you want to be a writer, start writing now!

Thank you for playing!

Step Into You by Lorraine Murphy (Hachette Australia) is out now.

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Step Into Youby Lorraine Murphy

Step Into You

How to Rediscover Your Extraordinary Self

by Lorraine Murphy

Are you lacking motivation or feeling overwhelmed, burnt out or not sure where you want life to take you next? Are you feeling like a 'low res' version of yourself, having focused all your energy on your career, your family or your community? If you answered 'yes', it's time to re-set.

In Step Into You, entrepreneur and mentor Lorraine Murphy shares her best advice on how to re-focus on you and your personal version of success. She presents essential tips, advice and hacks that have transformed her own life...

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