Jenn King has revered and studied the bewitching qualities of numbers since childhood. Though she has explored many mystical teachings, the numbers and planets have always reigned supreme. After more than a decade in the film industry in the UK and Australia, and following a health crisis at age thirty, she decided to change careers and was called back to numerology and planetary wisdom. The innate connection between numbers and planets led her to form her own version of numerology in which each number and its ruling planet come together as one. Since then, she has been writing daily number and planet forecasts and creating personal numerology charts. Jenn is also a qualified yoga teacher, herbalist and aromatherapist, and her love of plants intersects with her love of the planets, as every plant has its own planetary ruler.
Today, you can read an extract from Jenn King’s new book, Cosmic Numerology. Read on …
What is Cosmic Numerology?
People have always looked to the planets for guidance, inspiration and wisdom. The classic maxim of mysticism, ‘as above, so below’, illustrates this connection perfectly. What is up above us, out there in space, exerts influence over us here on Earth. For millennia, reverence and curiosity have kept us seeking more knowledge of the skies above. We want to know the unknown and see the unseen. This is why we have a desire to understand the planets on a philosophical and metaphysical level.
Cosmic numerology is numerology with an extra dimension. In astrology, the planets are referred to as being the driving forces behind each sign, but did you know that numbers and the days of the week also have their own planetary influences? Each day and each number has a ruling planet, unique expression and archetypal energy – this system unites them. Cosmic numerology is like the lovechild of numerology and astrology, the amalgamation of what I have learned about numbers and planets over the years. By incorporating planetary intelligence into numerology, extra magic and support is accessible.
Many scholars from different periods of time have contributed to our current body of knowledge about planets, since we first began looking to the skies for guidance and weaving this wisdom into our mythologies. Influential planetary thinking comes from Pythagoras (born 570 BCE), who believed each planet had its own sound, Persian astrologer Abu Ma’shar (born 787 CE) and English astrologer William Lilly (born 1602 CE). Modern-day sages include Scott Cunningham, who documented magical planetary associations, the numerologists Cheiro and Sepharial, and Universal Kabbalist Dr Joseph Michael Levry, all of whom discuss numbers and their planetary influences in their works.
The mythology of planets is a living thing, continuously evolving and creating opportunities for us to discover more about the universe and ourselves in the below zone. The influence of the planets, even at a cultural level, is huge. Astrology is one of the more well-known planetary practices, but many other traditions hold the belief that the planets have special powers – Indigenous Australians, Native Americans and most other First Nations cultures attach specific attributes to the planets, as did the Ancient Romans, Greeks, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Celts and Egyptians. To this day, all over the world, many people have beliefs about planets and their energies, and assign great significance to them.
‘The mythology of planets is a living thing, continuously evolving and creating opportunities for us to discover more about the universe and ourselves in the below zone.’
In cosmic numerology, a number is associated with each of the seven classical planets, which are the seven moving planets (or astronomical bodies, in the case of the Sun and Moon) visible to the naked eye. These are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. But, of course, there are nine single-digit numbers in numerology. The other two planets that bring us to nine are Uranus and Neptune. These are considered the ‘shadow’ or ‘unseen’ planets that influence our lives and are rarely (Uranus) or never (Neptune) visible to the naked eye from Earth. They might be unseen, but they still have huge amounts of power. Uranus and Neptune are thought to be extra spiritually charged and are often assigned the numbers 4 and 7 in modern times.
The exact origins of connecting numbers to planets is difficult to trace, as it has such a long history. In classical numerology traditions, which date back to around 500 BCE, planets were attributed to particular numbers because they were thought to express the same aspects. But instead of assigning Uranus to number 4 and Neptune to number 7, these early systems often assigned different entities. Rahu and Ketu, the nodes of the moon, are used in Vedic astrology and numerology traditions, while in Western traditions it was common to assign either the Sun or Earth to 4 and the Moon or full Moon to 7. It is a more modern system of astrology and numerology that brings in Uranus and Neptune – they began to be incorporated after their discovery in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In addition to their affinity with a particular number, all of the nine celestial bodies have their own specific rapport with certain parts and systems of the human body, healing plants, essential oils and colours. They also govern the twelve zodiac signs of astrology and the days of our week.
—Cosmic Numerology by Jenn King (Thames & Hudson) is out now. Limited signed copies are available while stocks last!

Cosmic Numerology
Limited Signed Copies Available!
Numerology has continually fascinated people since ancient times, from Egypt to the Roman Empire, India and Scandinavia. Numbers are a universal language that can help make sense of the seemingly chaotic world we inhabit.
Cosmic Numerology is numerology with an extra dimension. Numerologist and astrophile Jenn King pairs mystical mathematics with planetary power so you can tap into deeper levels of self-knowledge, access your talents and enhance your relationships...
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