Amy in Romancelandia #24: Books by Katee Robert, Sarah Ayoub and more!

by |June 14, 2022
Amy in Romancelandia

Hello lovelies and welcome back to Romancelandia where it’s turned decidedly frosty down in our corner of the world — am I right? Never fear, we are in the land of heated looks, hot kisses and sizzling tension to keep you warmed up and happy, sighing under the covers as we all snuggle down for some winter reading.

So, join me for all the fun. I have a range of hot toddies and fleece-lined onesies and I’ve even stoked the fire and fluffed the shag pile rug. As per usual, there’s a selection of both Aussie and overseas authors and they’re all available via Booktopia in either print or digital, so just click on the covers if something takes your fancy.

Australian Romance Authors

An A-List For Death

by Pamela Hart


TV researcher Poppy McGowan has never sought the spotlight and is none too happy to be photographed with rock god Nathan Castle. When the photo pops up on celebrity gossip sites, it sparks a media feeding frenzy, forcing Poppy to go to ground, don a wig, and pull some nifty moves to escape a tailing car. On top of that, she cops abuse from Nathan’s outraged fans.

None of this would have happened if Poppy hadn’t found Nathan’s mother Daisy, one-time glamour girl and elderly best friend of her Aunty Mary, bleeding and unconscious in her bathroom. The police dismiss the case as an accident, but Poppy is sure there are questions to be answered…

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Doctor Love

by Leisa Rayven


Toby Jenner may be tall, handsome, and own the world’s greatest collection of cardigans, but his track record with women is woeful. Even though he’s the tech genius behind the most successful matchmaking app of all time, it seems as though Doctor Love is able to predict everyone’s perfect partner except his own.

All that changes when a beautiful, intelligent, quirky-as-hell woman crashes into his life. Plagued by her own relationship woes, Joanna’s done with dating guys who aren’t right and pins her hopes on the Happy Ever After app turning her love life around.

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The Cult of Romance

by Sarah Ayoub

Sarah Ayoub

Natalie is living proof that love is a scam. She’s traumatised by her parents’ failed marriage and overwhelmed by her grandmother’s expectations of good Lebanese girls marriage, motherhood and exceptional tabouli-making skills.

When her best friend decides to get hitched to a guy in the motherland, Nat’s not exactly thrilled by the mammoth task before her: juggling cultural traditions, extra bridesmaid dresses and super-judgemental relatives. And to top it off there’s the annoyingly good-looking best man and his constant need to mansplain all of the things.

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International Romance Authors

Flirting With 50

by Jane Porter


Paige Newsom is finally at a place in her life where she’s comfortable. She loves her job as a college professor in Southern California, lives close enough to her mother to visit her regularly, and has three daughters who are flourishing in their own careers. Paige has no plans to upend her life again after her divorce eight years ago, but she’s about to embark on a new adventure: co-teaching a course that includes a three-week international field study.

Paige can think of a dozen reasons why she shouldn’t go, one being a dazzling Australian biologist who will be teaching alongside her. Professor Jack King is charismatic, a world traveller, and more like Indiana Jones than Indiana Jones, all of which unsettles Paige, who prides herself on being immune to any man’s charms. She isn’t looking for love, and it turns out, neither is he. But as the two co-professors lead the rigorous program together, first on campus, then in beautiful Tanzania, their biggest challenge will be working closely together while resisting the undeniable chemistry they feel when they’re with each other.

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Count Your Lucky Stars

by Alexandria Bellefleur


Margot Cooper doesn’t do relationships. She tried and it blew up in her face, so she’ll stick with casual hookups, thank you very much. But now her entire crew has found “the one” and she’s beginning to feel like a fifth wheel. And then fate (the heartless bitch) intervenes. While touring a wedding venue with her engaged friends, Margot comes face-to-face with Olivia Grant, her childhood friend, her first love, her first… well, everything. It’s been ten years, but the moment they lock eyes, Margot’s cold, dead heart thumps in her chest.

Olivia must be hallucinating. In the decade since she last saw Margot, her life hasn’t gone exactly as planned. At almost thirty, she’s been married… and divorced. However, a wedding planner job in Seattle means a fresh start and a chance to follow her dreams. Never in a million years did she expect her important new client’s Best Woman would be the one that got away.

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Wicked Beauty

by Katee Robert


Achilles Kallis vowed that he’d do whatever it took to claw his way into Olympus’s inner circle. Now that the former Ares is gone and the coveted role has opened to anyone with the strength to claim it, he and his partner, Patroclus Fotos, plan to both compete and double their odds of winning. Neither expect the infamous beauty Helen Kasios to be part of the prize…or for the sparks that fly when the three of them meet.

Zeus may have decided Helen is his to give away, but she has her own plans. She enters the competition as a middle finger to the meddling Thirteen, effectively vying for her own hand in marriage. The only people she can trust are the ones she can’t quite keep her hands off Achilles and Patroclus. But even they might not be strong enough to help her face the worst Olympus has to throw at them…

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Amy’s Favourite of the Month

As an extra treat each month, I recommend one of my fave authors/reads to you and this month I give you Maisey Yates. This Oregon born and bred powerhouse has written over a hundred romance novels since selling her first book in 2009 at the age of 23. She’s hit both USA Today and NYT bestseller lists and has firmly cemented herself within the modern day romance cannon.

Writing for not one, but two Harlequin category romance lines – Presents and Desire – Maisey gives us dark, passionate stories with sexy alpha males, feisty women and glamorous locales. In her single title romances for HQN/Mira she gives us alphas of the cowboy variety as well as multi-generational, family stories.

A prolific writer with a distinctive voice, tight narrative style and wonderfully in-depth characters, Maisey leaves her readers swooning in the aisles.

As always, it is hard to recommend just one book from such a prolific author but, given that nobody does a cowboy quite like Maisey, I’m going to rec one from her Copper Ridge series – Part Time Cowboy.


Sadie Miller isn’t expecting any welcome-home parades on her return to Copper Ridge. Least of all from part-time rancher, full-time lawman Eli Garrett. The straitlaced, impossibly hot deputy sheriff glares at her like she’s the same teenage hoodlum who fled town ten years ago. But running from her demons has brought Sadie full circle, ready to make a commitment at last. Not to a man, but to a B and B bed-and-breakfast. On Garrett land. Okay, so her plan has a tiny flaw…

Eli works too hard to let a blonde ball of trouble mess up his town. But keeping an eye on Sadie makes it tough to keep his hands off her. And if she’s so wrong for him, why does being with her feel so right?

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Okey dokey, that’s me over and out for this month. Watch out for July’s column and, in the meantime, happy reading!

About Amy

Amy Andrews is an award-winning, USA Today bestselling Aussie author who has written eighty plus contemporary romances in both the traditional and digital markets. She’s sold three million books and been translated into over a dozen languages including manga. She has won three Ruby awards and is a triple RITA finalist.

In her other life, she was a paediatric intensive care nurse for twenty-one years. Amy lives near the sea with her husband of thirty years.

Nurse's Outback Temptationby Amy Andrews

Nurse's Outback Temptation

by Amy Andrews

A passionate summer in the Outback with a far-too handsome flight doc is exactly what this nurse thinks she doesn't need Find out what happens in the latest Harlequin Medical Romance novel from multi-award-winning author Amy Andrews.

The right the wrong time? When nurse Chelsea lands in Australia, her plan is simple: to leave the heartbreaking reason why she can't call London home anymore on the plane and start over. Yet when Chelsea is introduced to far-too handsome flight doctor Aaron, it's clear that her "new start, no romance" vow is already at risk...

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