Wil Anderson’s Top 5 Reasons I Am Not Fine, Thanks

by |November 16, 2022
I Am NOT Fine, Thanks by Wil Anderson

Wil Anderson is an award-winning stand-up comedian, television host, writer and podcaster.

Read Wil’s Top 5 Reasons I Am Not Fine, Thanks

  1. People Who Proudly Reject Expertise

We live in a world where not only do some people not respect expertise, they openly reject it. Politicians have been elected on the platform that they don’t sound like a politician. How did we mess things up so badly that the qualification for one of the most important jobs in the world is not sounding qualified for the job? Would you do that with other jobs? “My toilet broke, but the first guy who came around just sounded too much like a plumber, you know? He was talking about valves and s-bends and stuff. I didn’t trust him one bit. Clearly one of the plumbing elite. I hired the guy who came around, lifted the lid, and said: ‘Oh, poo!’” You wouldn’t do it with a plumber, why would you do it with the President?

  1. People Who Wear Masks Around Their Chin

I don’t understand the idea of going to all the effort of sourcing the mask, buying the mask, putting the mask on your face, but not putting it anywhere on your face that it will actually prevent Covid. But there they were with their masks proudly hanging around their chin. “Well if that doesn’t scare off Covid, then nothing will.” Yes something will, moving that mask up over your nose and mouth. The mask doesn’t scare Covid off, it is not a warning flag or Aeroguard. The only way it really works is if you put it
over your Covid holes to stop the Covid getting in. Actually, while I think about it, did you cover that manhole with the tarpaulin so the children playing nearby didn’t fall in? Or did you just put the tarp near the manhole and assume it would warn the kids? Is that how you live your whole life? “Yes, I bought a bullet-proof jacket but I only wear it slung over my shoulder, that’s just how I roll. I will wear a condom but only over my testicles.”

  1. People Who Have “Nothing To Hide”

It amazes me how quickly we were convinced to trade our privacy in the name of convenience. I should have seen it coming the con is right there in the name. When I raise my security concerns the thing I hear most often is: “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. Come on Wil, if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.” Yeah but that is the problem, because I have shit to hide. I have so much shit to hide. Who doesn’t have shit to hide? What sort of boring life are you living when you don’t have stuff you’d prefer the world didn’t find out about? I did three things today that I don’t want anyone to know about. Well technically two things, but I did one of them twice, and that’s just in the last 24 hours.

  1. Celebrities Selling Cryptocurrency

Let’s start by saying you shouldn’t be taking financial advice from celebrities. But also celebrities shouldn’t be giving financial advice. If you have been lucky enough to be rich and famous be happy with that and shut the fuck up. Don’t grift poor people out of their life savings. When they are promoting a shit movie they made, they still tell you it is good. They know, but they still promote it. So why would you believe them on their investments when you can’t believe them on The Hangover 3.

  1. Authors Who Use Their Entire Word Count On Their First Four Reasons

And don’t have enough left for the fifth reason they promised at the start.

—- I Am NOT Fine, Thanks by Wil Anderson (Allen & Unwin) is out now!

I Am NOT Fine, Thanksby Wil Anderson

I Am NOT Fine, Thanks

by Wil Anderson

Good sense, good jokes, and good WIL- a book about enduring turbulent times with humour, community and just a dash of Apple Cider Vinegar.

How are you?'

How am I? How am I? How do you think I am? I know in the Before Times the tradition was to reply, 'I'm fine, thanks.' Then you would ask how they were, and they would reply, 'I'm fine, thanks.' And then we would all get on with our lives. But I can't play my part in that pantomime anymore. I cannot say, 'I am fine, thanks,' because-spoilers-I am not fine, thanks.

What do you get when a housebound comedian is left with no option but to make comedy using only a rampant washing machine, a lot of Vaseline (it's for the pipes-no not that pipe), a roast chook and an unused exercise bike to keep him company? You get I Am NOT Fine, Thanks.

From prime ministers who don't hold a hose to billionaires who think they're astronauts to people who think lizards are ruling the country and that thermometers are wiping your memory, it's abundantly clear that the world is going to hell.

In I Am NOT Fine, Thanks Wil Anderson uses his iconic dry humour to soothe the sting of the last few years-laughter is the best medicine, after all (or is it apple cider vinegar?). Part memoir, part manifesto and all comedy, this is a book that will both make your every frustration feel heard and show you that there is plenty to hope for.

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