Top 10 Books to help you keep your 2023 New Year Resolutions

by |January 12, 2023

As we enter the new year, many of us take the opportunity to reflect on the past year and set goals for the year ahead. These goals, or New Year’s resolutions, often involve making positive changes in our lives, such as improving our health, relationships, or career.

However, making and keeping resolutions can be challenging. It’s easy to get sidetracked or lose motivation, especially when we’re faced with the everyday demands of life. That’s where books can come in handy. A good book can provide inspiration, guidance, and the tools we need to stay on track with our resolutions.

So, if you’re ready to make the most of the new year, keep reading for our top ten books that will help you keep your 2023 new year resolutions!

How to Meet Your Self by Nicole LePera

The essential roadmap to your empowered future self.

Within every human exists patterns and habits that bring us into cycles of misery, pain, and self-destruction. Yet within us all is also the ability to show up every day, leaving behind those patterns that no longer serve us, while stepping into the highest versions of ourselves.

No matter where we are on our journey, in order to break undesirable patterns, we must be aware of what our own patterns actually are.

How To Meet Your Self is the groundbreaking self-healing workbook from international bestselling author Dr Nicole LePera. Its exercises, prompts and compassionate inquiry invite us into a life of authentic connection and fulfillment. By witnessing and understanding all of our unconscious patterns from the ground up, from sleep to movement to eating, through emotional reactivity and core beliefs, flow states and joy, we will never again have to ask: “but where do I start?”

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The People Pleaser’s Guide to Putting Yourself First by Hollie Azzopardi

A personal development guide to figuring out who you are, what you value and what makes you feel good. A crash course in setting boundaries and looking after yourself from podcaster and Mind, Body & Soul mentor, Hollie Azzopardi.

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Your Weight Is Not the Problem by Lyndi Cohen

An evidence-based guide to breaking your fixation with weight, with simple strategies to make peace with your body and build healthy habits that actually matter.

In Your Weight is not the Problem, nutritionist and dietitian Lyndi Cohen offers a simple plan to break free from the dieting trap with small, doable healthy habits you can stick to no matter how busy life gets. Her evidence-based strategies will help you find freedom with food and build a trusting, healthy relationship with your body. Because health and happiness aren’t about having a perfectly flat stomach or a cellulite-free tush. They’re about feeling comfortable in your skin and having the energy to do the things you love.

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You Take Care by Laura Henshaw, Steph Claire Smith

A realistic guide to looking after yourself in your twenties and thirties, from the founders of the mega lifestyle brand, Keep It Cleaner.

Laura Henshaw and Steph Claire Smith are best friends and creators of the massive health and lifestyle brand Keep It Cleaner. You Take Care is their way of sharing their journeys with you – everything they’ve learned about taking care of their mental health, bodies, and relationships with those around them, including thoughts on motherhood and a search for progress over perfection. No two journeys are the same, and there will always be bumps along the way. But this uplifting and friendly guide is like having a best friend in your pocket, cheering you on through it all.

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How to Be Confident by James Smith

From two times number one Sunday Times bestselling author, James Smith, comes How To Be Confident – the third instalment in James’ no-nonsense guides to gaining the tools to empower your decision-making and change your life.

Now, more than ever, we are so often lost within a cycle of negativity – from comparing ourselves to others and doom scrolling on social media, to a paralysis of choice and chasing external gratification that does nothing to nurture authentic happiness. We need confidence to master our true ambitions, realise our genuine strengths, and achieve the life we need, but might not know we want. Luckily, with his candid, no-nonsense advice, experience, and passion, James is here to lead the way.

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Kurashi at Home by Marie Kondo

Create an oasis of calm and find what sparks your joy with the first full-colour, beautifully photographed guide from Netflix’s Marie Kondo. Over a decade on from the launch of her bestselling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo is back with new wisdom on how to transform your life and home into spaces of calm.

This guide introduces the concept of kurashi – meaning way of life – and encourages readers to spend every day in the pursuit of joy. Now the mother of three young children, Marie moves her focus from the physical act of tidying towards an even more holistic and personal approach to curating our environments.

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Life: What Nat To Do by Nats What I Reckon

Nat has zero qualifications as a philosopher or life coach, and he doesn’t feel like becoming either one anytime soon. But as someone who has struggled to find the ray of positivity in most days of his life, he knows what it’s like to feel the relief from a moment of joy.

So buckle up for Nat’s unrequested take on pushing back against expectations and rolling through life with some laughs and kindness like a real, righteous ratbag!

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Investing with She’s on the Money by Victoria Devine

Through the She’s on the Money podcast and online community, and her bestselling first book, millennial financial adviser Victoria Devine has helped thousands of Australians take charge of their financial futures.

Investing is a huge part of building wealth, which is why Victoria’s second book is all about learning how and why to invest, and taking confident action to create an investment portfolio that will set you up for security and prosperity later in life.

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Good Food Made Simple by Leah Itsines

No restrictions or calorie counting, just wildly delicious recipes and simple ways to organise yourself to cook and eat well, by the cofounder of the BARE Guides.

Leah Itsines comes from a big Greek family where food is always at the forefront of every gathering. But it’s no secret she also lives and breathes healthy eating and a lifestyle that supports wellbeing. How do you combine a love of food with a healthy lifestyle? You make Good Food Made Simple.

If you don’t feel confident in the kitchen, or you’ve had a ‘bad’ relationship with food, this is the book to ease you back to balanced and realistic eating that is satisfying and fun.

Begin with meal prep hacks and money-saving tips to get organised, learn how to make some mean marinades that will make life simply delicious, then move through over 100 killer recipes from The Lighter Side, Easy & Delicious, to Itsines Family Favourites and – for those special moments – The Entertainer.

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The Complete Trip in a Van Guide to Australia by Bec Lorrimer, Justin Lorrimer

Plan the trip of a lifetime with expert advice and a full itinerary from Australia’s most popular travelling family.

This complete guide is jam-packed with every lesson they’ve learned during their four laps of Australia and is a must-read for anyone roadtripping the continent on four (or eight) wheels. Bec and Justin reveal everything you need to know about travelling Australia in a caravan, van, camper trailer or motorhome – from choosing your set-up and essential travel gear to packing lists, life admin, budgeting and home-schooling.

They’ve also created a detailed itinerary for every state and territory in Australia, with their personal recommendations for activities, caravan parks and free camping sites, plus special roadtrip spotlights for when you’re short on time but still looking for an incredible getaway.

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About the Contributor

Kass is Booktopia's resident Comms and Social Media Specialist. She spends her day scrolling TikTok, picking up the latest trends, and posting content. When she isn't on social media, you can find her on BookTok, reading the latest contemporary romance, or playing with her dog, Leia.


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