Search results for author: Andrew Cattanach

About Andrew Cattanach

Andrew Cattanach is a regular contributor to The Booktopia Blog. He has been shortlisted for The Age Short Story Prize and was named a finalist for the 2015 Young Bookseller of the Year Award. He enjoys reading, writing and sleeping, though finds it difficult to do them all at once.

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Vote for the Greatest Romance of All Time!

This Valentine’s Day we’re asking you to vote for the Greatest Love Story of All Time. We’ve narrowed the field down to 50 novels (most of them not strictly romance novels), but you can also add your own. So go on, have your say! But hurry, voting closes at midnight tonight! [polldaddy poll=”9303189″] Love the Love of Love? Check out our Romance collection! Read more

by | February 14, 2016

Booktopia’s Website Through the Years

Booktopia turns 12 today. Nearly a teenager! To celebrate, we open the photo album and take a look at the early years, right up to today! 2004 Our very first website! A screenshot from the 7th of February 2004, the day that we sold our very first book! 2004 The green has arrived! The website at 6 months old. Fun Fact: The photo of the fern in the top right was taken by Booktopia’s CEO and... Read more

by | February 4, 2016