Search results for tag: Amanda Coplin

Andrew Cattanach’s Top Books of 2012

2012 has been an incredible year for the arts. We had the sublime documentary series The Shire, the whimsical adaptation of a board game not played since the 50’s, Battleship, and the welcome introduction of dubstep into every song on every radio station across the world. I don’t know how they do it. Actually, I’m pretty sure they just turn a knob clockwise….. …genius is born in many ways. But ... Read more

by | December 21, 2012

REVIEW: The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin (Review by Andrew Cattanach)

Booktopians, I’ve got a real treat for you. Within the folds of The Orchardist, I give you not only Amanda Coplin’s debut as a novelist, but also her debut as one of the most poignant, tender and gripping writers to emerge from the US in many years. The Orchardist, set in the late 1800’s, tells the story of the tender, if slightly hermitish orchardist, William Talmadge, as he encounters two pre... Read more

by | August 26, 2012