Search results for tag: Cormac McCarthy

The Counselor by Cormac McCarthy: Read It, Then Watch It

GREED is greatly overrated… BUT FEAR ISN’T In early 2012 it was announced that Cormac McCarthy had written his first original screenplay – news which provoked huge excitement, a swift deal and the appointment of Ridley Scott to direct. But this is no ordinary screenplay. This is a work of extraordinary imagination which draws on many of the themes of McCarthy’s work as well as... Read more

by | August 30, 2013

First Trailer for Cormac McCarthy’s The Counselor

Ladies and Gentlemen, I warn you I may get a little fanboy up in here. Because the first trailer for Cormac McCarthy’s The Counselor, based on his screenplay, has arrived. While this is McCarthy’s first screenplay, many of his books have been adapted into major films, the most notable being 2007’s No Country For Old Men, which snared the Academy Award for Best Picture. Other n... Read more

by | June 27, 2013

Andrew Cattanach on Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner – Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian.  What does a book do if not evoke feelings you didn’t know you had, bring them to the surface and make you examine them like an errant jigsaw piece? Before the brilliance of the Pulitzer Prize winning The Road, Cormac McCarthy shook the literatu... Read more

by | July 11, 2012