Search results for tag: George Eliot

BOOK REVIEW: Silas Marner by George Eliot (Review by John Purcell)

This short novel used to be taught in schools. And I can see why. It is short. It is entertaining. And it is short. Teachers have always had trouble getting teenagers to read books of a quality worth teaching. How they would have rejoiced on finding a book like Silas Marner. It is a perfectly formed and executed story. And thoroughly readable and exceedingly engaging. Times have changed somewha... Read more

by | October 16, 2015

TIME Magazine’s 10 Greatest Books of All-Time

A few years ago TIME magazine asked 125 of the world’s most celebrated writers to name their Top 10 novels of all time. No doubt after the resignations of many, many unpaid interns, they combined all these lists to make the ultimate Top 10 list. We thought we’d share it with you. We’d like a few more women on there but hey, isn’t that always the way. Do you agree with th... Read more

by | February 7, 2015

The Power of Ignorance (a short excerpt from Daniel Deronda by George Eliot)

It is a common sentence that Knowledge is power; but who hath duly Considered or set forth the power of Ignorance? Knowledge slowly builds up what Ignorance in an hour pulls down. Knowledge, through patient and frugal centuries, enlarges discovery and makes record of it; Ignorance, wanting its day’s dinner, lights a fire with the record, and gives a flavor to its one roast with the burned... Read more

by | September 13, 2011