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Search results for tag: Movies
Indonesia has a Lady Terminator? Turkey remade E.T? Marc Fennell spills the beans on the weird and wonderful world of cinema in his new book, Planet According to the Movies
Australia’s most listened-to film critic, Marc Fennell, tells the hidden stories behind the movies you know and love whilst also introducing you to a (bizarre) world of cinema you never knew existed. Did you know that there are messed up filmic versions of fairytales? Take for example the ancient Russian version of Beauty and the Beast which shows that all it takes to marry a prince is no... Read more
Books You Should Read Before Watching the Film!
Sometimes we forget that our favourite films (think Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Jaws) are based on books, simply because the films are so good. At Booktopia, we never want that to happen to you, so we’ve compiled a list of all of the incredible novels making their way onto the screen soon. We recommend that you check out the books before watching the films. Remember that time you watc... Read more