PART I Palliative Care for Older People : An introduction
1: Gwenda Albers, Sandra Martins Pereira, Bregje Onwuteaka-Pchilipsen, Luc Deliens, Roeline Pasman, Lieve Van den Block: A public health perspective to palliative care for older people: An introduction
PART II Organization of and policies for palliative care for older people
2: Zeynep Güldem Ökem: Long-term Care Systems
3: Katherine Froggatt and Hazel Morbey: Development of palliative care in long-term care
4: Hubertus Vrijhoef and Liesbeth Borgermans: Development of integrated person-centred care in long-term care
5: Richard Harding, Richard A. Powell and Liz Gwyther: Policies on palliative care for older people in Africa
6: Cynthia Goh, Sumytra Menon and Noreen Chan: Policies on palliative care for older people in Asia
7: David Currow and Jane Phillips: Policies on palliative care for older people in Australia
8: Carlos Centeno, José Miguel Carrasco, Kathrin Woitha and Eduardo Garralda: Policies on palliative care for older people in Europe
9: Katherine Ornstein and Diane Meier: Policies on palliative care for older people in North America
10: Liliana De Lima, Lilian Hidalgo, Rocío Morante and Jose Parodi: Policies on palliative care for older people in Latin America and the Caribbean
PART III Socio-cultural and clinical context of dying in old age
11: Joachim Cohen and Merryn Gott: Dying in place in old age: public health challenges
12: Symptoms and trajectories experienced by older people approaching and at the end of life: Implications to care: Symptoms and trajectories experienced by older people approaching and at the end of life: Implications to care
13: Agnes van der Heide and Kenneth Chambaere: End-of-life decisions for older patients who are approaching death
14: Jennifer Shaw and Margaret Battin: Ethical issues in palliative care for older people
15: Marjolein Gysels: Cultural issues in palliative care for older people
16: Marie-José Gijsberts: Spirituality and spiritual palliative care in older people
PART IV Use and access of palliative care for older people
17: Thomas Carroll and Timothy Quill: Use of generalist and specialist palliative care for older people
18: Allan Kellehear: Compassionate communities: Caring for older people towards the end of life
19: Ladislav Volicer, Noorhazlina Binte Ali and Joyce Simard: Palliative care for older people with dementia
20: Hazel Morbey and Sheila Payne: Ladislav Volicer, Noorhazlina Binte Ali and Joyce Simard
21: Ruth Piers, Nele Van Den Noortgate and Andre Vyt: Collaboration between professionals as a necessary condition for palliative care
22: Kristian Pollock and Jane Seymour: Communication and advanced care planning (ACP) in older people
PART V Innovations in palliative care for older people
23: Anne-Sophie Parent: EU civil society initiatives to protect the right to live and die in dignity
24: Clare Gardiner, Tony Ryan, Merryn Gott and Christine Ingleton: Care pathways for older people in need of palliative care
25: A program for advance care planning for older people: Respecting Patient Choices: A program for advance care planning for older people: Respecting Patient Choices
PART V Conclusion: What does a public health approach to improving palliative care in older people look like?
26: Sandra Martins Pereira, Gwenda Albers, Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Luc Deliens, Roeline Pasman, Lieve Van den Block: A public health approach to improving palliative care for older people