Larry Dossey forever changed our understanding of the healing process with his phenomenal New York Times bestseller, Healing Words. Now the man considered on of the pioneers of mind/body medicine provides the scientific and medical proof that the spiritual dimension works in therapeutic treatment, exploding the boundaries of the healing arts with his most powerful book yet.
Industry Reviews
""Reinventing Medicine is a revolutionary, scientifically documented look at the power of our minds to intuit and heal beyond the limits of what traditional science deems possible. Dr. Dossey is an eloquent, visionary physician whose courage to put himself on the line for the truth of his convictions is an inspiration. As a physician I will treasure this book. I highly recommend it!"-- Judith Orloff, M.D., author of "Second Sight"In a true tour de force, Dr. Larry Dossey articulates a compelling vision of the future of health and healing that incorporates and harnesses the "nonlocal" power of spiritual beliefs and practices. Ranging from basic research to compelling individual anecdotes, "Reinventing Medicine leads all of us one giant step further in our professional and personal evolution."-- Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., M.D.(hc), Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, author of "Sound Mind, Sound Body"Larry Dossey has written the blueprint for the new medicine of the 21st century. Dr. Dossey's vision is for a medical system that relies on the synergy of scientific reason as well as the psycho-spiritual dimensions of every human being. The Hippocratic Oath states "I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art.' Dr. Dossey brings this wisdom of the ancients to the practice of modern medicine. His approach will finally give balance and harmony to a medical system which has become increasingly bureaucratic and impersonal. "Reinventing Medicine is adeeply personal and inspiring book that brings true healing to both body and soul."-- Mitchell L. Gaynor, M.D., Director of Medical Oncology, Strang Cancer Prevention Center"Dr. Dossey captures our imagination in recounting modern medicine's rediscovery of non-local consciousness. "Reinventing Medicine illuminates a path towards spiritual fulfillment, a missing ingredient often preventing happiness and health."-- Mehmet Oz, M.D., author of "Healing from the Heart, heart surgeon, Columbia University"In "Reinventing Medicine, Larry Dossey reminds us that we may be far more than we currently believe we are. In this beautifully written, scholarly and profound book, he frees us to move beyond the boundaries of our thinking and enables us to reclaim a power and wholeness greater than we have ever dreamed. A book for everyone who has ever wondered about who we really are and what we might become."-- Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., author of "Kitchen Table Wisdom""Reinventing Medicine is sheer inspiration grounded in impeccable science. Larry Dossey has once again written a stunning book that will change the way medicine is practiced while helping each of us live life fully and joyfully right now."-- Christiane Northrup, author of "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom""This changes everything. Larry Dossey has doneanother masterful job of both meticulously documenting the science at the frontiers of medicine and expanding those frontiers even further. This book reflects the momentous changes in medicine, historically and futuristically. The entire concept of non-local mind is an extension of his previous work in such well-known Dossey classics as "Space, Time, and Medicine and "Healing Words. His vision of a new era of medicine based on caring, compassion and consciousness will rock your world view. On the other hand you will be reassured that what your intuition has told you all along has a practical application to the care of patients. Prayer, positive intentionality, non-local effects, call it what you may, medicine is being shaped and affected by these forces as never before. The book carries the reader from Era I, which focused on the purely physical aspects of being, to Era II, which embraced body-mind concepts (at least tentatively), to Era III, the non-local mind. This new evolution of the medicine of the whole person is a starship ride to a totally new way of practicing medicine. Climb aboard."-- Victor S. Sierpina, M.D., Associate Professor of Family Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch"The practice of medicine is in the midst of the most astonishing revolution since the germ theory of disease. This revolution doesn't depend on lavish new technologies or tinkering with genes, and it goes far beyondacknowledgement of mind-body connections. What is this extraordinary "Era III" medicine, and how might it affect us in the 21st century? Read Larry Dossey's "ReinventingMedicinefor a brilliantly clear vision of what's ahead."-- Dean Radin, Ph.D., author of "The Conscious Universe"Hope comes to our dangerous times in the words of Larry Dossey. He continues to challenge his own profession to reinvent itself by releasing the chains of the mechanical world view and returning spirit to the art of healing. Bravo! Would that all our professions would follow suit."-- Matthew Fox, president of the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, California, and the author of "The Reinvention of Work and "Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh""Reinventing Medicine is a work of stunning brilliance, scholarly depth and deep compassion. Readable and fascinating, it outlines both the rationale and the practical steps for a medicine that unites ancient wisdom and modern science. Dossey will be remembered as the father of a new era of medicine."-- Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of "Minding the Body, Mending the Mind and "A Woman's Book of Life"A very important book. This work offers a profound vision of the medicine we have been waiting for. Engaging and beautifully written, this book should serve as a guidebook and inspiration for those seeking to understand the practical implications of research in prayer, healing and non-local perception. Dossey's scholarship is impeccable."-- Elisabeth Targ, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, Dept. ofPsychiatry, University of California, San Francisco"Dr. Dossey has meticulously--and bravely--detailed the post-mind-body era of healing. This outstanding book is essential reading for anyone who wants to know what the future of medicine will look like."-- Jeff Levin, Ph.D., M.P.H., Past President, International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM)"Dr. Larry Dossey is one of the most innovative, creative, and visionary people writing about health and healing. "Reinventing Medicine is his most powerful and eloquent book about the history, current state, and future of medicine. It should be required reading for anyone interested in their own personal health or in the health of our country. Dr. Dossey makes clear how what is happening in medicine is itself an example of the larger forces that are shaping our individual and collective destinies. And he offers a clear prescription of how physicians can affirm their roles as healers and not simply technicians. If you read only one book on medicine this year, you may want it to be this one."-- Dean Ornish, M.D., Founder and President, Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine, author, "Love & Survival and "Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease"When Larry Dossey writes and speaks his thoughts, the earth moves. It would behoove humanity greatly to pay head. "Reinventing Medicine is notonly a rollicking, story-laden, life-affirming good read, it also takes us out to the far and deep reaches of the essence of life."-- Jeanne Achterberg, Ph.D., author of "Woman As Healer and "Imagery in Healing"Cogent and compelling..."--"New Age"With Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopra, [Dossey] is one of the most approachable healing gurus..."--"Booklist"Reinventing Medicine changes everything. In his latest book, Larry Dossey, M.D., has done a masterful job of meticulously do