Steve Parish First Field Guide to Australian Insects & Spiders - Steve Parish Publishing

Steve Parish First Field Guide to Australian Insects & Spiders

By: Steve Parish Publishing

Paperback | 30 November 2014

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The First Field Guide to Australian Insects & Sp iders introduces you to different arthropod groups fo und on land and in fresh water in Australia. Insects, scorpions, centipe des, millipedes, crabs and crays are all athropods.

T he guide makes identification simple by providing similar species inform ation and hints on observing, recording and classifying. With detai led descriptions of over 50 species, the guide includes:

  • co lour photographs
  • interesting facts about behaviour
  • hab itat information with maps
  • glossary, recommended references and index

About the series: First Field Guides help the budding naturalist learn more about Australia's fascinating wildlife, and are a great way for na ture lovers to embark on a voyage of discovery of Australia's natural en vironment.

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