About the Contributors
Part I: Introduction
1. National Security Intelligence, Loch K. Johnson
2. National Security and Public Anxiety: Our Changing Perceptions, Sir Richard Dearlove
Part II: Theory and Method
3. Theories of Intelligence, Peter Gill
4. The Sources and Methods of Intelligence Studies, James J. Wirtz
5. Getting Intelligence History Right: Reflections and Recommendations from the Inside, Nicholas Dujmovic
6. Assessing Intelligence Performance, John Gentry
Part III: The Evolution of Modern Intelligence
7. The Rise of the U.S. Intelligence System, 1917-1977, Michael Warner
8. The Rise and Fall of the CIA, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
9. British Strategic Intelligence and the Cold War, Len Scott
10. Signals Intelligence in War and Power Politics, 1914-2010, John Ferris
11. The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Michael Absher, Michael Desch, and Roman Popadiuk
12. Intelligence and Law Enforcement, Fred F. Manget
13. Evolution of International Collaboration in the Global Intelligence Era, A. Denis Clift
Part IV: Intelligence Collection and Processing
14. The Dilemma of Open Sources Intelligence: Is OSINT Really Intelligence?, Arthur S. Hulnick
15. The Troubled Inheritance: The National Security Agency and the Obama Administration, Matthew M. Aid
16. The Human Collection of Intelligence, Frederick P. Hitz
17. United Nations Peacekeeping Intelligence, A. Walter Dorn
18. Privatized Spying: The Emerging Intelligence Industry, Patrick R. Keefe
19. Guarding the Border: Intelligence and Law Enforcement in Canada's Immigration System, Arne Kislenko
20. Extraordinary Rendition, William G. Weaver and Robert M. Pallitto
Part V: Intelligence Analysis and Production
21. Addressing "Complexities" in Homeland Security, Gregory F. Treverton
22. The Intelligence Analysis Crisis, Uri Bar-Joseph and Rose McDermott
23. Competitive Analysis: Techniques for Better Gauging Enemy Political Intentions and Military Capabilities, Richard L. Russsell
24. Decision Advantage and the Nature of Intelligence Analysis, Jennifer Sims
25. Intelligence Analysis in an Uncertain Environment, William M. Nolte
26. The Dilemma of Defense Intelligence, Richard A. Best, Jr.
Part VI: Intelligence Dissemination
27. The Policymaker-Intelligence Relationship, Mark M. Lowenthal
28. On Uncertainty and the Limits of Intelligence, Peter Jackson
29. The Perils of Politicization, Paul Pillar
30. Leadership in an Intelligence Organization: The Directors of Central Intelligence and the CIA, David Robarge
Part VII: Counterintelligence
31. The Future of FBI Counterintelligence through the Lense of the Past One Hundred Years, Ray Batvinis
32. Treason: "'Tis Worse than Murder", Stan A. Taylor and Kayle Buchanan
33. The Challenges of Counterintelligence, Paul J. Redmond
34. Catching An Atom Spy: MI5 and the Investigation of Klaus Fuchs, Tomothy Gibbs
Part VIII: Covert Action
35. Covert Action, Pentagon Style, Jennifer D. Kibbe
36. Covert Action: United States Law in Substance, Process, and Practice, James E. Baker
37. Covert Action: Strengths and Weaknesses, William J. Daugherty
Part IX: Intelligence Accountability
38. The Role of Defense in Shaping U.S. Intelligence Reform, James R. Clapper, Jr.
39. Intelligence and the Law in the United Kingdom, Ian Leigh
40. Rethinking the State Secrets Privilege, Louis Fisher
41. Accounting for the Future or the Past?: Developing Accountability and Oversight Systems to Meet Future Intelligence Needs, Stuart Farson and Reg Whitaker
42. "A Very British Institution": The Intelligence and Security Committee and Intelligence Accountability in the United Kingdom, Mark Pythian
43. The Politics of Intelligence Accountability, Glenn Hastedt
44. Ethics and Professional Intelligence, Michael Andregg
Part X: Intelligence in Other Lands
45. Intelligence in the Developing Democracies: The Quest for Transparency and Effectiveness, Thomas C. Bruneau and Florina Cristiana (Cris) Matei
46. The Intelligence Services of Russian, Robert W. Pringle
47. The German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND): Evolution and Current Policy Issues, Wolfgang Krieger
48. Israeli Intelligence: Organization, Failures, and Successes, Ephraim Kahana
49. Intelligence and National Security: The Australian Experience, David Martin Jones