Theory | |
Introduction, Itzhak Gilboa | |
Preference Axiomatizations for Decision under Uncertainty, Peter P. Wakker | |
Defining Ambiguity and Ambiguity Attitude, Paolo Ghirardato | |
Introduction to the Mathematics of Ambiguity, Massimo Marinacci and Luigi Montrucchio | |
Subjective probability and expected utility without additivity David Schmeidler(Econometrica, 57(1989): 571-587) | |
Maxmin expected utility with a non-unique prior, Itzhak Gilboaand David Schmeidler(Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18(1989: 141-153) | |
A simple axiomatization of nonaddictive expected utility, Rakesh Sarinand Peter P. Wakker(Econometrica, 60(1992): 1255-1272) | |
Updating ambiguous beliefs, Itzhak Gilboaand David Schmeidler (Journal of Economic Theory, 59(1993): 33-49) | |
A Definition of Uncertainty Aversion, Larry G. Epstein(Review of Economic Studies, 66(1999): 579-608) | |
Ambiguity made precise: a comparative foundation, Paolo Ghirardatoand Massimo Marinacci(Journal of Economic Theory, 102(2002): 251-289) | |
Stochastically independent randomization and uncertainty aversion, Peter Klibanoff(Economic Theory, 18(2001): 605-620) | |
Decomposition and representation of coalitional games, Massimo Marinacci (Mathematics of Operations Research, 21(1996): 1000-1015) | |
Applications | |
An overview, Sujoy Mukerijiand Jean-Marc Tallon | |
Ambiguity aversion and the incompleteness of constractual form, Sujoy Mukerji (American Economic Review, 88(1998): 1207-1232) | |
Ambiguity aversion and imcompleteness of financial markets, Sujoy Mukerjiand Jean-Marc Tallon(The Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming) | |
A quartet of semigroups for model specfication, robustness, prices of risk, and model detection, Evan W. Anderson,Lars Peter Hansen, and Thomas J. Sargent (Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming) | |
Uncertainty aversion, risk aversion, and the optimal choice of portfolio, James Dowand Sergio Ribeiro da Costa Werlang (Econometrica, 60(1992): 197-204) | |
Intertemporal asset pricing under Knightian uncertainty, Larry G. Epsteinand Tan Wang(Econometrica, 62(1994): 283-322) | |
Sharing Beliefs: between agreeing and disagreeing, Antoine Billot, Alain Chateauneuf, Itzhak Gilboa, and Jean-Marc Tallon(Econometrica, 68(2000): 685-694 | |
Equilibrium in beliefs under uncertainty, Kin Chung Lo(Journal of Economic Theory, 71(1996): 443-484) | |
The right to remain silent, Joseph Greenberg (Theory and Decision, 48(2000): 193-204) | |
On the measurement of inequality under uncertainty, Elchanan Ben-Porath, Itzhak Gilboa, and David Schmeidler(Journal of Economic Theory, 75(1997): 194-204) | |
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