100 Speeches That Roused The World - Colin Salter

100 Speeches That Roused The World

By: Colin Salter

Hardcover | 2 April 2019

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100 Speeches that Roused the World tells the stories behind the most inspiring, rousing and memorable speeches, from ancient Greece to the present day.

A concise introduction and analysis of each speech is accompanied by key illustrations and photographs. 100 Speeches presents the power of the spoken word at its finest, from stirring calls to arms to impassioned pleas for peace.

Speeches include: Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (1863), Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Only thing we have to fear is fear itself" (1933), Winston Churchill, "Blood, Sweat and Tears" (1940), John F. Kennedy, "We choose to go to the moon" (1961), Martin Luther King, "I Have a Dream" (1963), Nelson Mandela on his release from prison (1990), Earl Spencer's tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales (1997), George W. Bush, "We are a country awakened to danger" (2001). Others include Cicero, Elizabeth I, Charles I, George Washington, William Wilberforce, Emmeline Pankhurst, Mahatma Gandhi, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Enoch Powell, Mao Zedong, Malcolm X, Richard M. Nixon, Barack Obama, Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey.

This is a classic collection of inspirational, momentous and thought-provoking speeches that have stirred nations, challenged accepted beliefs and changed the course of history.

About the Author

Colin Salter is the co-author of Everything You Need to Know About Inventions. He is a history and science writer with a fascination for how things work, and how they used to work. He has written about everything, including the private lives of marine gastropods. His contributions to Chambers' Biographical Dictionary include the entries for 500 living scientists.

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