12 Signs Of The Rapture - Rabbi (Dr) Johnson Idowu

12 Signs Of The Rapture

By: Rabbi (Dr) Johnson Idowu

eBook | 25 January 2021

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Do you know that we are in the last days of this world? Are you aware that we are in the end time and the end of this sinful world is at hand?

Our Lord Jesus Christ will soon come back to this world to take home the faithful believers who have been destined for eternal life.

The second coming of Jesus Christ is the rapture of the saints to eternal salvation.

As a Christian believer, do you know the signs of the rapture?

Do you know the things that will happen before the rapture takes place?

Find out in this book the signs of the rapture which will take place as the Bible has told us to be aware and vigilant as believers.

Are you prepared for this important event?

Get all the details about the rapture in this book and what you need to know to prepare yourself adequately in order not to miss the rapture.
