20 Dead Canaries & 1 Song of Love - Jim Aubrey

20 Dead Canaries & 1 Song of Love

By: Jim Aubrey

eBook | 12 January 2022

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Jim Aubrey's work on East Timor, West Papua and Tibet during the 1990s was endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Bishop Desmond Tutu, John Pilger, and Daniel Berrigan SJ. Quoted in several parliaments, his book Free East Timor (editor, Vintage 1998) set the course for a change in foreign affairs policy. After twenty years, Jim Aubrey returns with 20 Dead Canaries & 1 Song of Love, a collection of poems in the quintessential tradition of the poet-activist. Relevant, rebellious and uniquely tuned to our troubled times.

'Intense & magnificent' - Indiana

'A tour de force punch in the guts' - Mountain Man

'So powerful I am quite overwhelmed' - Angelika Brehmer Straker

'The 1960s are back with that fabulous, righteous anti-establishment contempt. And why not? Tomorrow matters more than ever.' - Carmel O'Rourke

"In this critical time of failed leadership on climate change and human rights, the obligation of the poet to be relevant and rebellious has never been more important."


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