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30-Second Astronomy - Francois Fressin

30-Second Astronomy

By: Francois Fressin

Hardcover | 29 January 2014 | Edition Number 1

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The 50 most cosmic concepts, each explained in half a minute.

When did Mars lose its ocean? Where do we fit into the infinitely grand scheme of things? Is there a universe or a multiverse? What is the Goldilocks Zone? Who developed the tired light theory? Most tantalizing of all: Is there anyone out there? The answers to these and many other far-out questions lie in your hands. Everyone's gazing at the heavens, but a voyage through the star-studded contents of this book will change your view of those other worlds.

30-Second Astronomy encapsulates the terrifying hugeness of the cosmos into bite-size particles that mere earthlings can understand: 50 incredible ideas, each brought down to Earth using no more than two pages, 200 words, and a picture. This one small volume takes you on a cosmic tour, shedding light on the most awesome of objects and places, explaining some very big ideas, concepts, and discoveries, and presenting the scientists and observers who have done so much to crack Life, the Universe, and Everything. Welcome aboard.

About the Author

Dr. Francois Fressin, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass, is one of a team of astronomers working as part of NASA's Kepler mission. Dr. Fressin discovered the first Earth-sized planets orbiting a star other than the Sun.

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