The wedding. The legal and public union of two people.
A very simple concept and one we all, at one time or another, have thought about.
In life that's the easy part.
The difficult part is the ceremony, not for the dewy-eyed couple, family and friends but for those who are now called to stand and offer words of tribute, of jest and of satisfaction with the couple, on their past lives and future happiness.
Even the most socially hardened are certain nerves will fray and know the importance of confidence and delivery at this unique moment. Expectations are high and a badly punch-lined joke or story has the glaring eyes of the room upon you.
In this volume our classic and well-loved poets take the work out of words and offer up lines and verse of unrivalled beauty, telling knowledge and the comfort of love. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, W B Yeats, Rainer Maria Rilke, Khalil Gibran are but a handful of the poets who will speak for you and on behalf of us all.