For courses in ESL methods.
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New lesson plans and teaching strategies for effectively implementing the SIOP Model
99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model is an indispensable resource for teachers of English language learners, and it is the ideal companion to Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model. The first chapter includes a brief overview of the SIOP Model. The following chapters provide classroom-ready idea and activities for each of the SIOP components that have a dual focus on academic content and academic language. All activities promote student-to-student and teacher-to-student interaction and involvement, which is so necessary for English language acquisition and content development. Step-by-step directions and examples of content and language objectives throughout help guide teachers in effectively implementing the SIOP Model.
The 2nd Edition has been significantly updated with new ideas, activities, and lesson plans. About half of the ideas and activities are new to this edition, while the remainder are updated with new content and language objectives related to specific lesson topics and more detailed directions for classroom use. Ideas and activities are organized into a new template with helpful teaching suggestions for a range of grade levels and academic topics. Four new sample lesson plans illustrate how activities for each of the SIOP components can be successfully used in the classroom.
Also available digitally as a Pearson eText
Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook that students can purchase on their own or you can assign for your course. It lets students read, take notes, and highlight, all in one place. The mobile app lets students learn on the go, offline or online. Creating a course allows you to schedule readings, view reading analytics, and share your own notes with students, motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. Learn more about Pearson eText.