A 1930s Childhood : From Conker Fights to Coal Fires - COLIN G. MAGGS

A 1930s Childhood

From Conker Fights to Coal Fires


Paperback | 10 February 2022

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Nostalgic book takes you back to a different age, remembering what life was like for those growing up in the 1930s.

Do you remember collecting birds' eggs and cigarette cards? Or the first appearances of wrapped sweets like Mars and Milky Way? The 1930s was a time of great progress, as engines took over from horse power, and electric light from gas and oil. Ordinary families aspired to own their own semi-detached house with a garage, and heated it with coal fires; smog was ever prevalent In cities. Some children were still sewn into their winter clothes, or went to school barefoot. This was a time of home cooking, and holidays were day trips, often by Charabanc.

Families kept chickens and rabbits, children played with catapults and bows and arrows. And in the background, change was everywhere, with the Mallard speed record, the launch of the Queen Mary, the abdication of the King, and the increasing spectre of the impending Second World War. This delightfully nostalgic book will take you right back to a different age, remembering what life was like for those growing up in the 1930s.

About the Author

Colin G. Maggs has had 104 books published to date, mostly on railway history. In 1993 HM the Queen awarded him an MBE for services to railway history. He has written countless railway newspaper and magazine articles, given broadcasts on TV and radio, talks to societies, and lectured on railway history at the University of Bath. He lives in Bath.

45 b/w illustrations

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