A Cat’s Tale will be the first true history of feline kind: our origins; our exploits; the evolution of our relationship with our human companions; and the surprising ways in which our history parallels that of humanity. Heretofore, our ambassadors to the human world have been fictitious, lumbering louts like Garfield—or real-life cats simply esteemed for being cute, such as Lil Bub. I’m here to tell you real cats do not hate Nermal or Mondays—we don’t use a weekly calendar at all. And real cats don’t pose for selfies.
With A Cat’s Tale, I am here to correct the record and expose the reality of feline greatness. Our story spans tens of thousands of miles and many thousands of years. It is a story that humanity has so far stubbornly refused to learn, ignored in favor of a fantasy history beginning with a lie: the absurd notion that you domesticated us. Really? If that’s what you believe, go find a bobcat and try.
From the prehistoric Felis (a large mammal from which all domestic cats have descended) to ancient Egyptian cat goddess, key cats of the Enlightenment to swashbuckling pirate felines and infamous American tabbies, the story of our kind is told here in its totality. And perhaps, dear reader, you will rightfully come to this book for the cats—but, I promise, you will walk away with a fun and interesting history lesson to boot.
About the Author
Dr. Paul Koudounaris has a PhD in art history from UCLA and an international speaking career, and he is one of the world’s most popular historians of the eccentric, ephemeral, and macabre. A beloved fixture in the cat appreciation community, he is annually a speaker at the world’s largest cat convention, CatCon, with more than 20,000 attendees. Vice, LA Weekly, Brooklyn Paper, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal have all covered Dr. Koudounaris’s cat-related scholarship and photography.
Industry Reviews
"[A] charming, funny, and informative history of cats . . . full of fascinating historical anecdotes [and] hilarious color photos of Baba in various costumes and wings. . . . Even cat aficionados will learn something new—and have fun doing it."
Publishers Weekly
"Baba is a true triple threat—model, writer, and incisive cultural historian. Her work deserves its place in the pantheon of feline literary greats."
Caitlin Doughty, New York Times bestselling author of Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?
"Baba—ably assisted by his amanuensis, Paul Koudounaris—introduces us to a rich cast of feline characters from the past. A Cat's Tale is an exquisitely crafted love letter to all things feline. And it is precisely the kind of delightful distraction that the world so desperately needs."
Lindsey Fitzharris, bestselling author of The Butchering Art and PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award Winner
"A historical chronicle of our beloved felis catus and proof that cats are—and always have been—superior creatures in every way since the dawn of time. It is a true purr de force."
Susan Michals, creator of CatCon and Cat Art Show and author of Walter Chandoha. Cats. Photographs, 1942-2018