List of Contributors.
List of Illustrations.
Part I: Imagining Cities:.
1 City Imaginaries: Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson.
2. Three Urban Discourses: John Rennie Short.
3. Putting Cities First: Re-mapping the Origins of Urbanism: Ed
4. Photourbanism: Planning the City from Above and from Below:
Anthony Vidler.
5. The Immaterial City: Representation, Imagination and Media
Technologies: James Donald.
6. Film, Representation and Naples: Lesley Caldwell.
7. The City as an Imperial Centre: Imagining London in two
Caribbean Novels: Riad Akbur.
8. Sleepwalking the Modern City: Walter Benjamin and Sigmund
Freud in the World of Dreams: Steve Pile.
9. Contested Images of the City. City as Locus of Status,
Capitalist Accumulation and Community - Competing Cultures in
Southeast Asian Societies: Patrick Guinness.
Part II: The Economy and the City:.
10. City Economies: Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson.
11. The Economic Base of Contemporary Cities: Ash Amin.
12. Flexible Marxism and the Metropolis: Andy Merrifield.
13. Mono Centric and Poli Centric: New Urban Forms and Old Urban
Paradigms: William A. V. Clark.
14. Ups and Downs in the Global City: London and New York at the
Millennium: Susan S. Fainstein and Michael Harloe.
15. Analytic Borderlands: Economy and Culture in the Global
City: Saskia Sassen.
16. Turbulence and Sedimentation in the Labour Markets of Late
20th Century Metropoles: Nick Buck and Ian Gordon.
17. Informational Cities: Bob Catterall.
18. Diaspora Chinese Capital and Asia Pacific Urban Development:
Chung-Tong Wu.
19. Capitalizing on Havana: The Return of the Repressed in a
Late Socialist Society: Charles Rutheiser.
20. Urban Transformation in the Capitals of the Baltic:
Innovation Culture and Finance: Philip Cooke, Erik Terk, Raite
Karnite, Giedrius Blagnys.
Part III: Cities of Division and Difference:.
21. City Differences: Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson.
22. Postcolonialism, Representation and the City: Anthony
23. Cities of Polarisation and Marginalization: Peter
24. Citizenship, Multiculturalism and the European City:
Alisdair Rogers.
25. Working out the Urban: Gender Relations and the City: Liz
Bondi and Hazel Christie.
26. The Sexual Geography of the City: Frank Mort.
27. From the Other Side of the Tracks: Dual Cities, Third
Spaces, and the Urban Uncanny in Contemporary Discourses of 'Race'
and Class: Phil Cohen.
28. Gentrification, Post-Industrialism and Industrial and
Occupational Restructuring in Global Cities: Chris Hamnett.
29. Worlds Apart and Together: Trial by Space in Istanbul: Kevin
Robins and Asu Aksoy.
30. Value Conflicts, Identity Construction and Urban Change:
Lily Kong.
Part IV: Public Cultures and Everyday Space:.
31. City Publics: Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson.
32. The Social Constitution of the Public Realm: Richard
33. City Life and the Senses: John Urry.
34. With Child to see Any Strange Thing: Everyday Life in the
City: Nigel Thrift.
35. Walter Benjamin, Cosmopolitanism and the Narratives of City
Spaces: Michael Keith.
36. "X Marks the Spot: Times Square Dead or Alive?: M. Christine
37. Walking and Performing 'The City': A Melbourne Chronicle:
Katherine Gibson and Ben Rossiter.
38. The Street Politics of Jackie Smith: John Paul Jones
39. Everyday Life in Bangkok: Annette Hamilton.
40. Streetchildren in Yogyakarta: Social/ Spatial Exclusion in
the Public Spaces of the City: Harriot Beazley.
41. Cyberspace and the City: The Virtual City in Europe:
Alessandro Aurigi and Steve Graham.
Part V: Urban Politics and Urban Interventions:.
42. City Interventions: Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson.
43. Planning in Relational Space and Time: Responding to New
Urban Realities: Patsy Healey.
44. The Social Construction of Urban Policy: Allan Cochrane.
45. Urban Planning in the Late Twentieth Century: Patrick
46. Varied Legacies of Modernism in Urban Planning: Alan
47. The Environment of the City ... or the Urbanisation of
Nature: Erik Swyngedouw and Maria Kaika.
48. Power and Urban Poltics Revisited: The Uses and Abuses of
North American Urban Political Economy: Alan Harding.
49. Social Justice and the City: Equity, Cohesion and the
Politics of Space: Fran Tonkiss.
50. Property Relations and Planning in European Urban
Development: Michael Edwards.
51. The Politics of Universal Provision of Public Housing: Chua
52. Reintegrating the Apartheid City? Urban Policy and Urban
Restructuring in Durban: Alison Todes.